Anthony D. Elmendorf, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
2019 - 2020 Senate Officer - Chair

Anthony D. Elmendorf is a Professor of Mathematics at Purdue Northwest. He is currently serving a one-year term as Chair of the Faculty Senate.
Research Overview
Elmendorf’s research occupies one corner of algebraic topology, a subject in which mathematicians attempt to describe geometric objects by attaching algebraic structures to them.
I was a varsity swimmer in high school 50 years ago and still try to swim regularly.
Select Publications
Elmendorf, A. D.; Mandell, M. A. Permutative categories, multicategories and algebraic K-theory. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 9 (2009), no. 4, 2391–2441.
Elmendorf, A. D.; Mandell, M. A. Rings, modules, and algebras in infinite loop space theory. Adv. Math. 205 (2006), no. 1, 163–228.
Elmendorf, A. D.; Kriz, I.; Mandell, M. A.; May, J. P. Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theory. With an appendix by M. Cole. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 47. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1997. xii+249 pp.
Teaching Focus
Elmendorf’s teaching focuses on calculus, abstract reasoning and algebra, broadly construed.
Previous Roles
Elmendorf served as the graduate advisor in mathematics from 2004 to 2019.