Anne B. Edwards, Ph.D., CFLE
Professor, Human Development & Family Science

Professor Edwards is a Certified Family Life Educator and teaches lifespan development, family dynamics, statistics and research methods. She researches the experience of older adults with cerebral palsy.
Research Overview
Edwards’ research interests include the stress process in informal caregivers of people with dementia and other chronic illnesses, as well as health advocacy for cognitively impaired older adults. In addition, she is interested in research pertaining to the lived experience of adults who have a lifelong disability.
I became interested in, and continue to love HDFS, because I believe that none of us are truly alone; people are always interacting. How people help or hurt each other has a huge impact on people’s lives. I also believe that older adults can contribute so much to all of us, if we are just willing to slow down and listen.
Select Publications
Surachman, A., Edwards, A. B., Sweeney, K. A., & Cherry, R. L. (2018). Mothers’ selection of furture primary caregivers in rural West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 33, 247-263.
Henderson, T. L., Shigeto, A., & Ponzetti, J., Edwards, A. B., Stanley, J., & Story, C. (2017). A cultural variant approach to community-based participatory research: New ideas for family professionals. Family Relations, 66(4), 629 – 643. doi: 10.1111/fare.12269.
Murphy, J. S., Nalbone, D. P., Wetchler, J. L., & Edwards, A. B. (2015). Caring for aging parents: The influence of family coping, spirituality/religiosity, and hope on the marital satisfaction of family caregivers. American Journal of Family Therapy, 43, 238-250.
Teaching Focus
Edwards’ key teaching areas are how family members interact with each other and how they affect and are affected by those around them. She also teaches statistics and research methods.
Previous Roles
- Interim Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences, 2010-2011 and 2012-2013
- Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences, 2013-2016