Amy Bishop

Academic and Student Success Advisor

Amy Bishop


Amy has worked at PNW since 2010 and currently advises for First Year Advising on the Westville campus. She enjoys advising because she loves working with students and helping them navigate their college careers. She finds it very rewarding to see those lightbulb moments. It’s also a great way to use her love for psychology outside of a typical counseling setting.

Amy said she loves working at PNW because, “I’ve been at the Westville campus since starting at PNW, and even before that as an undergrad. It’s a beautiful campus and has a homey feel to it.”

Make an advising appointment with Amy


  • Being a mom
  • Being a Disney nerd
  • Reading

Fun Fact

Amy is a water snob. She only drinks water but it can only be certain kinds because she can taste the difference between brands! According to Amy, “Nestle water is terrible while the generic Nice water from Walgreens is awesome!”

Amy Bishop


(219) 785-5556

Office Location:

Make an Appointment
Westville, TECH 157C


  • English, BA – Purdue North Central
  • Psychology, BS – Purdue Global