Ali Alavizadeh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering Technology

Ali Alavizadeh


Ali Alavizadeh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology. His research interests include numerical methods and simulation in solid and fluid mechanics and complex systems.

Research Overview

Applied numerical methods and simulation of solid and fluid mechanics (FEA, CFD), particularly in fluid power (hydraulics and pneumatics). Discrete event modeling and simulation of manufacturing systems to optimize the production and to reduce waste of any kind.

See Ali Alavizadeh’s Personal Faculty Website

I love outdoor activities such as camping with the family. Swimming, reading, and wood working are my other hobbies. I also play electric bass in our department band (called Short Circuits!).

Select Publications

Alavizadeh, A., & Lash, M. (2019). Production Optimization of a Ramp-up Abrasive Disk Manufacturing System using Discrete- event Simulation. Manuscript is being accepted for publication in Technology Interface International Journal in fall of 2019.

Teimourian, H., & Alavizadeh, A. (2017). Simulation modeling and analysis of a manual bending line to increase production rate and resource utilization. Technology Interface International Journal, 18(1), 43-49.

Teimourian Sefideh Khan, H., Tavakoli, S., & Alavizadeh, A. (2012), “Externally Electro-Pneumatically Shifting System (E.P.S) to Install on Manual Transmissions,” SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-1994, 2012, doi:10.4271/2012-01-1994.

Teaching Focus

  • Undergraduate: Fluid power and its application
  • Graduate: Design of experiments, quality management

Previous Roles

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Technology and the director of the graduate program in technology at Purdue University Fort Wayne (2011-2015).




Ali Alavizadeh


(219) 989-3162

Office Location:

Hammond, Anderson Building 231


  • Ph.D., Technology Management (manufacturing systems), Indiana State University
  • M.S., Vocational Education and Technology, Morehead State University
  • B.S., Applied Physics, Sharif University of Technology

Areas of Expertise

  • Numerical methods and simulation in solid and fluid mechanics
  • Complex systems modeling and simulation

Curriculum Vitae