6 events found.
Office of Student Life
Events from this organizer
Evan Struck Speed Painter (Virtual Paint Night)
Join live as artist Evan Struck creates a painting for PNW celebrating Black History Month! Ask questions and put in requests for what you would like to see.
Petty Poetry with Ashlee Haze
As part of PNW's Black History Month events, join a virtual workshop with poet Ashlee Haze during which PNW students can learn how to write petty poetry.
History of Black Music
As part of PNW's Black History Month celebration, join DJ Trice for a DJ set and virtual lesson exploring the history of Black music!
Nature Art Contest – Accepting Entries
Nature is beauty, so let us capture it with some art.
Nature Art Contest – Voting
Vote for your favorite in the Nature Art Contest.
Spring Welcome Rally (Westville)
Kick off the semester with free food, giveaways and games at PNW’s Spring Welcome Rallies!