Ongoing Key Strategic Initiatives From Chancellor Keon and Provost Holford

Welcome back to the spring semester! It is wonderful to see students studying throughout campus and faculty engaged with students in classrooms, in their offices and on Brightspace. It is exciting to see student activities and athletics in full swing as we begin this semester.
Last week, we were invited to speak to the Faculty Senate about the university’s ongoing key strategic initiatives. These initiatives focus on our vision of serving as a premier metropolitan university for Northwest Indiana by increasing the quality of everything we do each day all across our campuses. The presentation provides some relevant history about our enrollment trends, as well as current enrollment data for FY 21-22. In addition, you will see that while we are experiencing the same decline in enrollment affecting universities throughout the Midwest and Northeast, PNW is making progress on recruitment of new students and retention of our current students. Through the continuous improvement process and with all of your hard work, we are seeing some very tangible results in most areas of the university.
We invite you to view the presentation at Chancellor/Provost Strategic Initiatives Spring 2022. The slides from the presentation are also included above. Finally, throughout the spring semester, we will be discussing these initiatives with you at the college and unit meetings.
We look forward to seeing you soon and hearing your ideas for continuing to move PNW forward as a premier metropolitan university.