Programming For Health Practitioners
NWI AHEC provides support for practicing professionals representing underserved communities.
Continuing Education
NWI AHEC partners with local organizations to provide continuing education programs for practicing professionals, in the health care field. Continuing education helps keep professionals abreast of current and emerging health related issues and supports professional development by enhancing industry knowledge, skills and professional competencies.
Mini Grants
NWI AHEC offers mini grants to support professional development and community oriented training programs. Applicants are health care provider related organizations seeking funding for programs that address current and emerging health care needs, in rural and underserved communities.
Community Partnerships
NWI AHEC strives to build strong partnerships with community organizations. Community partnerships help NWI AHEC understand local community health care needs, so resources can be better utilized to address those needs. Community partnerships also help facilitate interprofessional learning opportunities, identify regional workforce shortages, and help to develop health care training programs, specifically needed within the region.
Through these longstanding partnerships, NWI AHEC strives to train and develop a diverse health care workforce prepared to deliver culturally appropriate, high-quality, team-based care, with an emphasis on primary care for its rural and underserved communities.
IUSM Community Faculty Preceptorship
NWI AHEC and the Department of Family Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, partner with board certified family medicine physicians to provide 3rd year medical student clerkships, within our region. Preceptors facilitate student learning, provide clinical supervision, offer guidance for the student’s community project and verify student’s proficiency in core clinical skills.
Interested in becoming a preceptor in NWI AHEC’s region?
Please contact the NWI Center Director, Monique Walker.