Welcome Back: A Letter From MaPSAC

September 2, 2020

Dear Management and Administrative Professional Staff,

We, your MaPSAC representatives, want to welcome you to the start of the new semester. Please take some time to view our new website, if you have not already done so. This is where we will be posting important announcements and initiatives. We also have a new LinkedIn group that we invite you join and contribute to.

Last year we introduced two exciting new series focusing on professional development. The MaPSAC Speaker Series and Coffee with Colleagues. Both of these series were developed as a response to the feedback received from you on our fall survey. We were also able to give out five professional development grants to staff members working on specialized training or some form of continued improvement. It is our hope to continue these series and initiatives.

A couple things to keep in mind as we begin the semester, don’t forget to download the PNW Mobile App and complete the daily self-screen if you are working on campus, and if you have additional questions as we continue to navigate this semester check out the COVID-19 Staff Guide.

New benefits information was just released for 2021. Plans are changing and everyone will be required to actively enroll. Open enrollment will be from October 28- November 10, 2020. Please direct individual concerns to your HR representative.

As always we want to hear from you. Let us know how we are doing, what you want to see more of, less of or even which types of professional development opportunities you are looking for.

Feel free to reach out via email mapsac@pnw.edu or using the anonymous web form.


Rachel Pollack, Chair
Kimberly Nikolovski, Vice Chair
Jeff Shieb, Treasurer
Kendra Gardin, Secretary
Deborah Bachmann, West Lafayette Rep
Dawn Pollock
Freda Whisenton-Comer
Anthony Pilota
Courtney Locke
Iona Brinson
Jordan Hallow
Katie Bowers
Mary Klotter