The Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee serves as a two-way conduit between administrative and professional staff and PNW’s senior administration.


Why Join MaPSAC?

You can…

  • Select Founders Day Outstanding Employee Award winners
  • Coordinate professional-development opportunities
  • Make recommendations to university administration regarding changes to policies and procedures
People gather on PNW's campus

Professional Development Resources

Invest in yourself. The following professional-development resources help you build skills, grow and learn.

Explore Opportunities

The Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee(MaPSAC) serves as a two-way conduit between administrative and professional staff and the senior administration. As such, MaPSAC serves two distinct areas, each with the need to hear the other and to be heard by the other.

In its role as a communications facilitator, MaPSAC offers administrative and professional staff a mechanism to voice their interests and concerns as they relate to campus affairs.

To ensure staff are heard, informed and engaged, MaPSAC reviews, interprets and recommends changes to policies and procedures impacting administrative and professional staff to the university administration.

MaPSAC also sponsors professional development and engagement activities and educates administrative and professional staff regarding issues affecting employment.

PNW Mascot Leo offers a thumbs up

Share Your Feedback

We want to hear from you! Share questions, concerns or ideas with your representatives.

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Upcoming Events

Jul 18

Study Away Proposal Workshops

PNW is hosting several faculty and staff workshops throughout the summer and fall semesters to work on proposals for a Study Away program.

Jul 24

Study Away Proposal Workshops

PNW is hosting several faculty and staff workshops throughout the summer and fall semesters to work on proposals for a Study Away program.

Aug 06

Study Away Proposal Workshops

PNW is hosting several faculty and staff workshops throughout the summer and fall semesters to work on proposals for a Study Away program.

Aug 13

Faculty and Staff Resource Fair

Attend the Faculty and Staff Resource Fair on Tuesday, August 13, 1-3 p.m. in Alumni Hall (Hammond).

News and Announcements

The PNW Bell Tower with a building and greenery in the background

Viewing Merit Increases in SuccessFactors

Beginning July 1, all benefits-eligible employees will be able to view their new Electronic Compensation Statements in SuccessFactors. The Compensation Statement will provide important information regarding your recurring merit pay increase; including, the % increase and New Annual Base Pay.

A student sits at a table. There is a computer on the table in front of them.

Upcoming Microsoft 365 Environment Changes

In late July/early August, Purdue IT will begin the process of merging the Purdue Northwest and Purdue West Lafayette Microsoft 365 environments.

Dr. Kenneth C. Holford

FY 2025 merit increases for PNW faculty and staff

I am pleased to announce that the Senior Leadership Team has recommended a salary merit pool, pending Purdue Board of Trustees approval, for benefits eligible faculty and staff for the upcoming year.