Making Concepts Come Alive

September 8, 2023
KHAIR AL SHAMAILEH, PH.D., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, stands in his lab

Pride of PNW: Khair Al Shamaileh

Khair Al Shamaileh, associate professor of Electrical Engineering, seeks resourceful solutions for improving students’ learning outcomes. In particular for engineering students, he says innovative approaches are important for improving understanding in intensive math concepts.

He has used modern engineering software that features simulations and visualizations to enhance the understanding of challenging topics for his students. Al Shamaileh couples this with hands-on projects and lab activities so students can observe theory in action.

“I always strive to exploit research-proven techniques in promoting engineering education, while ensuring an inclusive and supportive experience characterizing a student-centered environment with an emphasis on active learning. Hence, my primary objective as a professor in this institution is to increase student motivation in obtaining a degree in engineering and inspire interest in serving the community with meaningful engineering solutions.”

I always strive to exploit research-proven techniques in promoting engineering education.

Khair Al Shamaileh, associate professor of Electrical Engineering

Through sponsored research, Al Shamaileh engages students in contemporary topics, such as artificial intelligence, to provide solutions in wireless communication cybersecurity. Students stage realistic cyberattacks to collect radiometric features and develop machine learning-based models for detecting and mitigating the real thing.

“This training enables student publications in technical venues, paves the way towards their admission to higher education, facilitates job placements in areas that lack a skilled workforce, and above all else, strategically develops solutions with a direct impact on public safety.”

The Pride of PNW series highlights Purdue Northwest researchers, scientists and practitioners from around the world who are driving change in their fields.

PNW professor Khair al Shamaileh and a student work together in the lab

Associate professor of Electrical Engineering Khair al Shamaileh and a student collaborate in the lab.