Law School Dreams: Fall 2020 Grad Madeline Clement

December 9, 2020
madeline clement

Madeline Clement is looking forward to using her PNW degree to help people. She graduates this fall with a degree in English literature and double minors in Spanish and history.

Reflecting on her time at PNW Clement has found memories of many faculty and courses. One that stands out includes her freshmen experience philosophy course with Karen Bishop Morris. She credits Bishop Morris for helping her to feel a sense of belonging to the campus.

She said about Bishop Morris, “KBM gave her full attention to her students and encouraged us to try new things on campus.”

Most central to Clement’s experience at PNW has been the opportunity for her to study abroad.

During her freshman year she traveled to Oxford-London as part of a summer program led by Mita Choudhury. The summer program was an eye-opening experience for her and provided her with confidence.

She was also able to travel to Cáceres, Spain and attend courses at the local university in Spanish history and culture. While there she visited Portugal and Lisbon. This program enhanced her love for people and cultures.

Clement is glad to have had the opportunity to study abroad and believes this experience has helped shaped her.

Madeline Clement is pictured.

Madeline cites her time studying abroad as a pivotal moment in her time at PNW.

She stated, “I am so thankful for PNW having such a wide variety of study abroad programs and I know I couldn’t have ever done it without the support of campus life and faculty… I truly attribute the person I am today to my experiences abroad.”

Clement plans to attend law school and has ambitions to one day become a prosecuting attorney with special attention to domestic battery and violence victims.