Introducing The Point and Ask Me!

The Undergraduate Admissions department would like to announce the following change and invite you to participate in a new program for the upcoming semester.
The Point
The New Student Orientation Office is now named The Point. The Point is a one-stop center that will offer peer-to-peer assistance for our students in pointing them to information and services across the university.
The Point will still host our New Student Orientations and continue to expand the programming that will allow prospective and new students the opportunity to connect with the community that makes Purdue Northwest great. We look forward to including the campus community in these endeavors.
The Point will still be in SUL 101 and can be reached at x4160.
New Program: Ask Me!
As we wrap up our New Student Orientation season, we are excited to welcome all of the new students back for classes. The first week of school comes with a bit of confusion as our new students are looking for classrooms, study spots or even a vending machine for a snack. We need your help to get these students where they need to go. Join us in the Ask Me program!
Starting Aug. 22 on both campuses, we are asking for volunteers to post up in busy hallways, entrances or study spaces. We will supply you with a shirt for the occasion. Please let us know if you would like to help the initiative by signing up with your availability, shirt size, and location preference here. Thanks in advance for joining the Ask Me program!