We promote best practices in planning, assessment, data integrity and accreditation/compliance activities to achieve meaningful change.

Purdue University Northwest assesses student learning at the course, program and institutional levels.

Course Evaluations
Feedback from students in the form of course evaluations offers valuable insights for making changes and improving classes.
Survey Research
We support institutional assessment through a variety of data-gathering avenues, including survey research. In addition to regular administration of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE), and the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), the assessment team works collaboratively with other units to create, administer, and analyze data collected from targeted surveys such as:
- Human resources: Employee satisfaction surveys
- Alumni Affairs: Program, college, and university-level surveys of alumni
- Information Services: User satisfaction/impact surveys
- Student Affairs: Program opinion surveys
- Library: User-satisfaction surveys