Instructor Resources
Brightspace is the Purdue supported Learning Management System. Leverage this tool to support instruction, learning, and student success in your courses.
The Purdue IT Digital Learning Solutions teams provides individual, small group, and department training sessions. If you need a consultation to discuss and explore how best to accomplish a vision you have for your course, our Educational Technologists are here to assist. Simply connect with the team to begin the conversation.
On your own time
Learn the instructional foundational skills to be successful in Brightspace and explore more advanced ways to function in your courses in the Brightspace Instructor Training Course.
OIT Events
Mar 21
Changes to Duo Multi-Factor AuthenticationOn Friday, March 21, 2025, Purdue IT will enable Duo Verified Push notifications for Purdue University services utilizing Purdue Single Sign-On. Examples include Brightspace, SuccessFactors and MyPurdue.