Mammograms Matter Campaign Event

PNW values its employees and their well-being.

Mammogram screenings are an important, preventive screening and PNW wants to ensure its benefits-eligible employees have an opportunity to have these screenings done. In an effort to continue to increase screening rates and awareness, Purdue offers a mammography campaign each year to reduce any barriers to obtaining a preventive mammography screening.

In 2025, an estimated 316,950 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women – up from an estimated 310,720 in 2024, and 1 in 8 women in the US will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. On average, every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States.

Breast cancer is sometimes found after symptoms appear, but many women with breast cancer have no symptoms. That’s why regular breast cancer screening is so important.

2025 Mammography Campaign

Purdue University Northwest, in conjunction with Franciscan Health, is providing convenient access for employees (and their covered spouses) to get their preventive (non-diagnostic) mammogram screening in paid status with supervisor approval.

Up to 90 minutes of paid time off will be allotted for travel and screening with supervisor approval.

In 2025, we will be offering this campaign both in April and in October.

Scheduling An Appointment

If you are an employee or covered spouse verify your eligibility to receive instructions for scheduling your appointment.  Questions? Call Human Resources at (219) 989-2251.

Registration Dates for Mammogram Screening Appointments

From Monday, March 10, 2025 to Friday, March 21, 2025

Mammogram Screening Appointment Dates

April 14 – 25, 2025

Mammogram Screening Locations

  • Franciscan Health Dyer, 24 Joliet Street, Dyer
  • Franciscan Health Cancer Center, Munster, 701 Superior Avenue, Munster
  • Franciscan Health Michigan City, 3500 Franciscan way, Michigan City
  • Franciscan Health Women’s Center, 770 Indian Boundary Road, Chesterton
  • Franciscan Health Breast Care Center, 1201 South Main Street, Crown Point
  • Franciscan Health Michigan City at LaPorte, 1010 W. State Rd 2, LaPorte

Supervisor’s Guide:

Purdue Northwest’s Mammography Screening Event

Through a collaboration between Purdue University Northwest and Franciscan Health, convenient access to preventive screening mammograms is available again this year.  PNW is providing benefits-eligible employees an opportunity to have this screening done, in paid status, with supervisor approval.

Who is eligible for mammography screenings?

All benefits-eligible female employees and covered female spouses at the Purdue Northwest campuses between the ages of 41 and 70.

What does the screening event offer eligible employees?

Employees will be provided up to 90 minutes of paid time off (with supervisor approval) during their regularly scheduled shift, to allow for travel to a designated location, for screening time, and travel back to campus.  The employee does not need to make up the paid time off. For those that meet the eligibility requirements, the mammography screening will be provided at no charge to the employee as preventive mammography screenings are covered at 100 percent on Purdue’s Anthem health insurance plane at in network providers.

How does an employee participate?

The employee will complete the following steps:

  1. Discuss with the supervisor acceptable times to be away from the workplace.
  2. Verify your eligibility to receive instructions for scheduling your appointment. Questions? Call Human Resources at (219) 989-2251.  The registration deadline is March 21, 2025.
  3. Receive document from provider indicating proof of attendance (if required by supervisor). HIPAA laws cover the screening, so the note will only confirm attendance and will not include any personal health details.
  1. For Bi-Weekly Staff: Code your time as “Other Leave with Pay” in SuccessFactors.

Employees who utilize university vehicles as their main means of transportation are able to drive to and from the screening using university vehicles with supervisor permission.

How should our department prepare?

Establish protocol for submitting, considering and approving participation that best fits the business needs. Participation in this program should not negatively impact attendance or an employee’s performance of job responsibilities.  Human Resources is available to answer questions and to help you establish procedures that will work efficiently in your area.


If you have questions about the mammography program, please contact Human Resources at (219) 989-2251.


Purdue Northwest’s Mammography Screening Event FAQs

Through a collaboration between Purdue University Northwest and Franciscan Health, convenient access to preventive screening mammograms is available again this year.  PNW is providing benefits-eligible employees an opportunity to have this screening done, in paid status, with supervisor approval.

Who is eligible for the screening event?

PNW Benefits-eligible employees and their covered spouses, specifically female employees between the ages of 41 and 70.

What if I had my last mammogram less than a year ago?

You will still be eligible for a screening mammogram as long as you have not yet had a screening mammogram in the 2025 calendar year.

Are men eligible for the event?

No, this preventive (non-diagnostic) program is only for females. Mammograms for men would only be covered under the Purdue health plans if diagnostic, not preventive.

When can I register for a screening appointment?

Registration is open March 10 to March 21.

How do I participate?

Verify your eligibility to receive instructions for scheduling your appointment. Questions? Call Human Resources at (219) 989-2251. Registration deadline is March 21, 2025.

Will I receive a reminder about the appointment?

Yes, Franciscan Health will contact you by phone prior to the appointment as a reminder.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?

Notify your supervisor and Franciscan Health.

How much will the screening cost?

Female employees and covered female spouses on a Purdue medical plan that meet the criteria will have their 2D or 3D screening at no charge. Employees with other medical insurance will need to verify with their insurance carrier regarding coverage.

Will 3D mammograms (Tomsynthesis mammogram) be covered as preventative?

Yes, 3D mammograms can be covered as preventative. You may choose either a 3D or a 2D.

What do I need to bring to the appointment?

You will need your driver’s license, and Purdue employees will need their Purdue ID.

Will I need my insurance card?

Yes, you will need to have your insurance card with you on the day of your appointment to complete all appropriate forms for the screening.

Will I get paid time off to participate in the screening?

Yes, with your supervisor’s approval, up to 90 minutes of paid time off will be allotted for screening and round trip travel to and from the screening provider and PNW. You do not need to make up the paid time off.

How do I record my time away from work to attend my mammogram screening?

For Bi-Weekly Staff: Code your time as “Other Leave with Pay” in SuccessFactors.

How do I request the paid release time from my supervisor?

Discuss with your supervisor acceptable times to be away from the workplace. Approval for release is reviewed on a case by case situation based upon business needs.

Do I have to provide proof of attending the mammography screening?

Ask your supervisor if you need to provide proof of attendance. If required, obtain verification from Franciscan prior to leaving the appointment. HIPAA laws cover the screening, so the note will only confirm attendance and will not include any personal health details.

What if my normally scheduled hours are outside of the event times?

If you are unable to have your screening during your regularly scheduled work time, you will be participating on your own time.

Can I get my mammogram at a facility not listed, and be in paid status during the screening event?

No, mammography screenings completed outside of the event or with your community physician are not considered part of this event. If you currently have a selected provider and get regular screenings we encourage you to continue with your provider.

Who should get a mammogram?

Purdue’s health plans, administered by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, covers preventive (non-diagnostic) screening mammograms for females between the ages of 41 and 70. If you are 40 or under, talk to your doctor about when to start and how often to get a screening mammogram.