Resident Handbook
Our Resident Handbook is a source of information for residents regarding guidelines, procedures and regulations for the Department of Housing and Residential Education and the University Village community.
It’s the responsibility of every resident to review and follow the policies, rules and regulations of the University Village community to remain in compliance with their housing contract.
In This Section
Department Procedures
The Administrative Offices are located adjacent to the Service Desks in Peregrine and Griffin Halls of The University Village. The Central Office of the Department of Housing and Residential Education is located on the first floor of Griffin Hall.
Main Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday
Administrative Offices Closed
When the University is Closed
Residents may contact housing student staff via phone (219) 989-4150 or the front desk of your building
Griffin Hall & Peregrine Hall Front Desk Hours:
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Contact Info and Directions
HRE Main Office Contact Information
Phone Number: (219) 989-4150
Fax Number: (219) 989-4152
2440 173rd Street
Hammond, IN 46323
The Office of Housing & Residential Education will not provide COVID Isolation/Quarantine spaces for our residents. Because of this, we are asking all students who reside in University Village to develop a Self-Isolation Plan should they contract COVID during their stay. This plan should include the following:
- Communication with roommates (as it concerns shared areas and their exposure)
- Meals- keeping some items in your room; will you have food delivered? Who will bring it to you?
- Knowledge of testing sites
- Disinfecting areas (gather materials needed and keep them on hand- like hand sanitizer, gloves, face masks, cleaning products and extra trash bags).
- Ensure you have basic medical supplies- This could include pain relief, a thermometer, nasal spray, lozenges and your regular medications.
- If you would like to isolate off campus, please have a plan of how to get there. If you isolate off campus, you will not be able to return until day 6 of your isolation and will have to wear a mask for the next five days once you do return.
- How to stay connected to family/friends- your mental health is important too!
- How to communicate with your professors/classmates to keep up on any missed work.
- How to receive packages during this time (please get in touch with Kimberly Baum at
Things that are required during your self-isolation:
- Mask wearing will be required for ten days (first day of symptoms/positive test count as day zero).
- You will not be able to leave your room/apartment unless you need medical attention/testing.
- Contact 911 if your symptoms are severe or worsen over your isolation time.
Students will not have to have this plan written out or submitted to anyone, but it should be given priority as your health is important and living in a large community like ours means your risk is increased.
If you experience symptoms or receive a positive test and you would like assistance, please feel free to call us at 219-989-4150 or email us at
All faculty, staff, and students receive a free email address from the University. All students are responsible for checking their University email address regularly.
The University also provides direct connections to the University network. The service is available to residents as a courtesy at no charge. Residents must not resell the service or otherwise charge others to use it. The service is a residential service provided for personal, non-commercial use only.
There are Wi-Fi connections throughout The University Village community.
The University reserves the right to limit the bandwidth available to any student. If a resident experiences a problem with internet access, the resident is encouraged to report the problem/concern to Information Services at (219) 989-2888.
Every resident is responsible for the correspondence placed in their official resident mailbox and information sent to their official Purdue University Northwest email address.
Once information has been disseminated to either one of these mediums, the resident will be considered to be notified.
Lounge areas are conveniently located on each floor within the University Village. Loitering is prohibited in the lounge or TV areas during quiet hours (11 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily). If noise violations are a concern, HRE staff may elect to close and secure study and meeting rooms during quiet hours (11 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily).
Please note: the TV lounge on the second floor of Griffin Hall is directly adjacent to staff offices. Consequently, residents using this space between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. must keep their voices and TV watching at quiet levels. Residents who cannot do this will be required to leave this lounge area during business hours.
The meeting rooms in Peregrine and Griffin may be reserved for academic and programming purposes. Residents/faculty/staff may submit a Room Reservation Request via the Department of Housing and Residential Education website. Student organizations may submit a Room Reservation Request with approval from the Office of Student Life. A list of available rooms may be found on the Department of Housing and Residential Education’s website.
Please employ these helpful tips when using the laundry rooms. It will go a long way in creating a clean and comfortable living environment for everyone in the community, as well as enhance safety measures.
- DO NOT LEAVE YOUR ITEMS UNATTENDED! Please stay with your items to ensure nothing is taken. If you leave your items unattended, the Housing Office is not responsible for replacement.
- CLEAN THE TRAP: Please clean out the lint trap in the dryer after each use. Neglecting to clean the lint trap will not only inconvenience the next resident who uses the dryer, but more importantly, it can create a fire hazard. Lint build-up in the trap can cause the pilot light to spark and set fire to the lint. As responsible University Village community members, residents must do their part to keep The University Village community clean and protect the community against fire hazards.
- KEEP THE SPACE CLEAN: Please clean up after yourself while you are using the laundry room and after you have finished your laundry; this includes but is not limited to removing lint from lint traps, discarding used dryer sheets, cleaning up spilled laundry detergent, and other miscellaneous laundry materials. University Village residents need to be considerate of their fellow community members when using community resources.
- SET A TIMER: Please do not forget your clothes in the washing machine and the dryer. Leaving your clothes in a machine may prevent another resident from washing/drying their clothes. As a reminder, set your cell phone timer to the time remaining on the machine. By doing this, your cell phone will alert you when your clothes have finished washing or drying.
- THINK OF OTHERS: Items left in washing machines for more than 10 minutes after a wash cycle has concluded could be bagged by housing staff and placed in the corner of the laundry room with the machine number and date written on them. If these items are unclaimed for at least 24 hours, housing staff will dispose of the items.
Computer Labs are available to residents of Peregrine and Griffin Hall twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Please leave the computer lab in a better state that you found it when you are done (clean up after yourself!).
If computer lab items are stolen from the computer lab, we will review our cameras and document all students/guests found to be in the computer lab at the time of the theft. All students will be taken through the conduct system and charged for the replacement of all items taken. Guests will be ban for life (meaning, they will no longer be able to visit anyone in Peregrine or Griffin Hall- no exceptions).
If you have any issues with the computers in our labs, please be sure to call the IS Customer Service Center right away: (219) 989-2888
If you need paper for printing, please visit the front desk of your building. Each resident is allotted ten pages of printing paper per day.
The Music practice room is open and located on the second floor of Griffin Hall. Music may not be played in the music practice room during department business hours. If playing during Hall quiet hours (11 p.m. to 8 a.m.) and it is reported to be disturbing to the community, you will be asked to leave the music room.
The Facilities Use and Posting Policy defines areas on campus that can be used and in what manner those areas may be used, whether for community groups, peaceful gatherings, or designated areas for use by students, faculty, and staff. All groups interested in using The University Village facility for publicity of events must gain approval from the Director of Housing or their designee.
The Assistant Director must approve all signs, posters, or other items posted in University Village for Residential Education before being posted in public areas. Postings that by nature infringe on individual rights or promote activities, causes or initiatives prohibited by university regulations, and local, state or federal laws are not permitted (including but not limited to gambling, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, drugs, sexually explicit words or pictures or illegal activities). Approved materials must be posted by the Housing and Residential Education staff acting in their duty as housing staff.
Any maintenance problem should be reported immediately to the University Village Facilities Team by submitting a work order via the following links:
The HRE Maintenance personnel are committed to serving you promptly! Residents are expected to cooperate with all maintenance staff members so that repairs can be completed as quickly as possible.
By submitting a work order, the resident implicitly gives the HRE Maintenance personnel permission to enter their apartment to make the repair whether the resident is present or not present at the time.
Please note that EMERGENCY work orders submitted after regular business hours and on weekends will still be addressed by a maintenance staff member who is called back to campus. This may take longer than emergencies that are reported during the day, so please be patient. Please notify the Resident Assistant or Community Assistant at the Service Desk of such emergencies immediately.
Please see our Maintenance Website for more details and helpful tips on certain issues.
Maintenance checks are done periodically by The University Village Facilities Team. All residents assigned to a room in University Village are responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of their bedroom and apartment common areas. The Department of Housing and Residential Education reserves the right to enter any room to make damage inspections, necessary maintenance repairs, complete a room inventory, and/or conduct safety inspections. Please note that housing staff will open ovens, microwaves, and all refrigerator doors (including personal refrigerators) to check for proper cleaning and/or moldy food. Please see below for how to prepare for these inspections.
- Remove all trash/recyclables and properly dispose of them in the appropriate dumpsters located throughout the University Village.
- Vacuum, sweep, and mop all floors in your suite. (Vacuum or sweep carpeted areas, sweep and mop vinyl).
- Check smoke detectors in your suite to ensure that they are properly attached and operational. If smoke detectors are malfunctioning, submit a work order immediately at the front desk of either building.
- Check electrical outlets, cords, and connections to ensure that they are not overloaded and that cords do not run under carpets, through bedding, or near water.
- Check to ensure that nothing is blocking emergency exits or heating/ventilation units (this means all doors should be able to open fully in your suite).
- Note any maintenance issues in your suite and report them to the front desk or to maintenance staff during inspections.
- Properly wash, dry, and store laundry. Do not leave dirty laundry on the floor throughout your room/suite.
- Pick up and organize belongings in your suite. If we can’t walk through your bedroom because of stuff on the floor, then it is a violation of emergency egress.
- Make sure window guards and screens are installed on all windows. If you don’t have window guards, please let someone know at the front desk.
- University property should be free of stickers, graffiti, stains, and unauthorized paint.
- Clean up any spills, stains, or leftover food sitting around in your suite.
- Look for areas with high concentrations of dust and clean them (check your fan blades).
- In the kitchen: dispose of spoiled food/drink, wipe down surfaces and appliances, wash and store dishes, and ensure food is properly stored.
- In the bathroom: clean the toilet (including in and around the bowl), shower walls and basin, floors, counter tops, sinks, and mirrors. Please remove any trash from the bathroom and vanity areas.
It’s perfectly fine for your suite to appear “lived-in”, we understand that this is your living space and that it’s not meant for constant display; however, it is expected that some effort will have been made to maintain a clean suite and that no health or safety violations are present. Inspections will only last a minute or two in each suite.
To see more on this process, please be sure to review the Apartment Maintenance policy in the student handbook.
For the safety of residents, guests, and staff, parking lots and many interior common areas are monitored by closed circuit television.
All resident vehicles must be registered here. Unregistered cars may be towed.
Double parking, parking in fire lanes, yellow striped area, parking in staff spaces without a staff permit, or parking in handicap spaces (without a valid handicap placard/plate/etc., issued to the resident) will result in a ticket or towing at the resident’s expense.
We are requiring that all guests visiting someone in University Village will park beside the Fitness Center OR across the 173rd St. where there is ample parking. The parking spaces closest to Peregrine and Griffin Halls are reserved for RESIDENTS ONLY. If you park in these parking spaces, you risk being ticketed or towed.
To ensure your safety, the Housing Staff at University Village has been trained on how to respond to emergency procedures. The role of HRE staff members is to alert, give instruction, and encourage compliance with emergency procedures. Please read the following to familiarize yourself with our protocols so you can be prepared and ready in the case of an emergency while on campus.
The University Village Emergency Notification System
The Emergency Notification System is installed in the hallways and apartment suite common living areas of The University Village. The University Police Department will provide instruction to residents using the Emergency Notification System when necessary.
Health Concerns
For non-emergency care during week days, please contact the staff at the Center for Healthy Living. The Center for Heathy Living is located in the Riley Center (near the Fitness Center). The office phone number is 765-494-0111.
For non-emergency care during the evening hours or weekend, please contact a Department of Housing and Residential Education staff member to seek out appropriate resources.
For emergency care at any time, please use extension 9-911 (911 from your cell phone) to contact Emergency Services and then contact the Service Desk for immediate assistance.
Fire Alarms
If the fire alarm is activated in Peregrine or Griffin Halls, University Village residents in the hall where the alarm is sounding are REQUIRED to leave the building and meet in their evacuation location (indicated below). University Police and Housing and Residential Education staff members will inform all residents of information in the designated location as soon as information is made available.
- Evacuation Areas:
- Griffin Hall: In grassy area in front of Peregrine Hall (please stay out of the entrance road way)
- Peregrine Hall: Parking lot BEHIND Peregrine Hall
- Failure to evacuate in an emergency will result in a $200.00 fine.
- Evacuation plans: Evacuation Plans for apartments, meeting rooms, and computer labs are located on the back of the respective doors and may not be removed at any time, for any reason.
Weather Alerts
Staff members of the Department of Housing and Residential Education will notify the University Village community via their PNW email and may post a weather watch or warning on the main entrance of each building to alert residents to be watchful of the current weather conditions. Residents are also encourage to monitor severe weather conditions.
Tornado Warning
If a Tornado Warning is issued for the Lake County area, all residents will be expected to leave their apartment suites to seek shelter in the first floor hallways or center stairwell of their building. The first floor hallways have been designated as the Storm Safe Area of each building. A Tornado Warning indicates a tornado has been spotted in the area and that individuals should seek shelter immediately. Residents are expected to comply with all instructions provided by the Department of Housing and Residential Education staff.
Snow and Ice Storm Emergency
The decision to interrupt normal campus operations means either of the following conditions is in effect:
- Classes are Canceled This means that ALL classes scheduled to meet that particular day at both on and off-campus sites have been canceled; but university offices, departments and services remain open. OR
- The University is Closed This means that ALL on and off-campus functions, services, programs and activities are canceled that day. The campus is considered closed to all persons except those assisting in emergency operations. Consequently, all persons except emergency personnel are required to immediately leave the campus. No one will be permitted to return until normal campus operations are resumed.
So that all campus personnel affected can receive the information promptly and accurately, official notification will be handled in the following manner:
- University Home Page
- Radio/TV announcements: WJOB (Hammond, 1230am), WGN (720am), WBBM (780am), WAKE (Valparaiso105.5fm), WZVN (Valparaiso 107fm), WXRD (Valparaiso 103.9fm) and all local Chicago television stations (Channels 2, 5, 7 and 9);
- Information Center: Via voice mail message by phoning extension 2040;
- Automated Emergency Phone Call System: This system will notify regular employees and critical contract operations employees at their home or campus;
- University E-Mail System: Message will be sent general distribution to all employees and students with Purdue University Northwest email accounts;
- Electronic Message Boards: Message will be posted to all;
Suspension/closing of the campus DURING the normal campus day (after 7:30 a.m.) will be communicated by the various emergency notification systems;
Notification to “Resume” normal campus operations will be made by all of the above methods except Radio/TV (Radio/TV typically do not make these type of announcements).
Alert Me
To help you stay up to date with current weather conditions and other emergency situations, please sign up for ALERT ME before you arrive to campus. “ALERT ME!” is PNW’s text messaging service that provides the capability to communicate brief, urgent information/notifications that affect the status of campus operations to students, faculty, staff and the community.” To sign up for the service, please visit the following website: Alert Me.
Silent Witness (University Police Website)
In cases that University Village residents do not wish to become involved in officially reporting a concern that may involve a Housing and Residential Education policy violation or alleged criminal act, we encourage UV residents to use the Silent Witness reporting mechanism on the Purdue University Northwest Police Department website to report the concern anonymously. University Police .
As stated on the University Police website: “Community involvement is the key to any quality Community Oriented Policing Program. Prompt, informative and responsible reporting of criminal incidents and suspicious activity by the community is essential to an effective and efficient response to these incidents.
We urge the campus community to contact the University Police if they witness a crime or have been a victim of a crime. We realize and recognize an individual’s need to remain anonymous. Therefore, you can report criminal incidents and/or suspicious activity anonymously by completing the [silent witness report form] or by calling the anonymous hotline at 219-989-2912.”
Looking for Something Else…
Click here to learn more about other resources on the Hammond campus!
Any dangerous behavior should be reported to the Department of Housing and Residential Education immediately. Dangerous behavior is subject to disciplinary action. The following are examples of dangerous activities:
- Accessing and Climbing on Rooftops: Residents are not permitted on any building’s roof for any purpose. If an item is on the roof, please contact a University employee to assist you.
- Exit Door Propping: Any door propped open jeopardizes the security and safety of all residents in The University Village community. Therefore, the propping of any exit door is strictly prohibited and will result in a fine and a referral to the resident conduct process.
- Window Screens/Guards: Window screens and guards are not to be removed. Attempting to do so poses a security risk, results in irreparable damage to the screen/window guards and will result in a replacement charge to the resident(s). Keeping the screen/guard(s) in the windows will also decrease the likelihood of bugs and pests entering the rooms, apartments, and buildings. Windows should only be opened from the bottom where there is a screen. Windows should never be opened from the top.
- Skateboarding/Longboarding: The use of skateboards and longboards are prohibited on University Village property.
- Rollerblading: Roller blades can be used for transportation purposes only. Reckless behavior, including performing tricks, is prohibited, as it compromises the safety of the residents.
- Fireworks: The possession and/or use of fireworks is strictly prohibited on University Village property.
University Village room access card is issued to the student’s assigned room (as assigned by HRE Staff) as well as a mailbox key upon check-in. The HRE Access Card and PNW PRIDE Card must be carried with the resident at all times to ensure proper entry into the University Village community. A resident is not to lend their HRE access card/temporary room key card or PNW PRIDE card/barcode to anyone.
The resident is financially responsible for a lost mailbox key, lost PNW ID card, temp card and the cost of lock changes. Lost or missing keys/cards must be reported to the Front Desk of the resident’s building as soon as possible.
Please contact your front desk to report a missing key/access card or to request a replacement.
If a resident is locked out of their apartment or bedroom, they must go to the Front Desk of their building to have an HRE staff member unlock their door. Every resident receives one free lockout for the academic year at the start of the contract term. A lockout fee may be charged for every subsequent lockout a resident receives. Please see the Fees and Fines section of this handbook for more information about lockout fees.
If a resident has lost/forgotten their HRE Access Card, if you do not have your access card and/or call the front desk to be let in, there are two options: Contact a roommate to bring the access card to the front desk or request a lockout card from the desk staff. You must utilize the access card with the valid bar code to enter and scan into the building. Instances of forgotten IDs will be documented; after the third time, you’ll be put through the conduct process.
ResNet Installation Guide
ResNet is the residential computer network service provided to students living at Purdue University Northwest. ResNet allows you connect your personal computer directly to PNW’s computer network and, through the University network, to the Internet.
Note: ResNet users are allowed two Computer registrations. Accommodations can be made to register non-standard network devices such as Game Consoles (Ex. Playstation or XBOX). To complete manual registration of one of these devices please contact the Information Services Customer Service Center by calling (219) 989-2888 or submit a formal request for registration.
Be sure to
- Install critical updates
- Install critical updates and service packs at:
- Install antivirus software
- Install a free copy of McAfee Antivirus software available at: Computer Operations, Powers 218 or Computing Services & Support Center, Gyte 133.
- Install Windows 10
- Turn on Internet Connection Firewall.
Hardware Installation
- An Ethernet network adapter is required to connect your computer to the ResNet data network.
- You will need to supply your own network cable to connect your computer to the ResNet data jack. Use a standard Category 6 network cable with RJ45 connectors. Do not use a telephone cable, as this will not work and may damage your computer’s network card. CAT6 network cables are suitable for ResNet use and can be purchased from the university book store in SULB or at many area electronic and department stores.
- Connect the network cable to the network card on your computer and the ResNet data jack on the wall of your room. The outlets are identified using letters or numbers. Letters are for data connections and numbers are used for a telephone. All outlets will be active but you must choose a lettered outlet for your computer. Do not attempt to use numbered outlets, i.e. “-1” or “-2” outlets. They are only used for telephone connections and do not work as data connections. Connecting your computer to one of these outlets could damage its network port.
Software Installation
All Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux computers have the necessary networking software to connect to the ResNet network.
Network Setup
All that is required is to ensure that your network adapter is set up to automatically obtain an IP from the University DHCP server. Once connected, you will need to open your web browser and complete the online registration in order to obtain your IP address.
Register Your Computer with ResNet
Once you network connection is configured, you must:
- Open your web browser. The registration page should automatically appear. If not, go to You should be redirected to the registration page.
- Follow the directions on the registration page. The process only takes a few minutes to complete.
* You will not be able to use your network connection for any other activity until this has been done. The registration requires you to log in using your computer login and password. This should be the same login and password that you use to login to University computers.
- Once registered you will be directed to install an assessment agent; follow the onscreen instructions to install the agent.
- Once the agent is installed, click to re-attempt network access, if your computer meets the *criteria of a healthy system you will be granted network access!
- If your machine fails the health check onscreen instructions will provide you with information on how to remedy problems.
- Enjoy ResNet! You will not need to register again until the registration database is purged (this is typically performed once per year). Periodic scans will be performed on your machine to ensure network health.
*Criteria of a Healthy Windows Computer System
- Computer must be running Windows 7 or higher.
- Windows computers must have Anti-Virus software installed.
- Windows computers must have current Microsoft Updates installed.
ResNet and You
As a subscriber to ResNet services, you are entitled to the full benefits offered by the program. However, you are responsible for determining whether your equipment and software are suitable for use with the ResNet services and for maintaining their functionality. You will need to setup all of your equipment and software. It is also up to you to report any problems that you have with your ResNet service.
You must use the IP address that is assigned to you by the online registration process. Use of an IP address that was not registered for your computer may interfere with someone else’s use of the network and/or render your ResNet connection nonfunctional.
Where to Go for Help
If you encounter difficulty while setting up your computer for use with your ResNet service, there are several ways for you to seek help. you can access the Internet from another computer, you may find answers to your questions on Purdue Northwest’s Information Services home page. You may also contact the Customer Service Center by calling 219-989-2888.
For problems with your ResNet connection, please submit a trouble ticket to the Customer Service Center.
To receive technical support and assistance with Internet, blackboard, student email, and other information service supported resources, please log a service request through the Customer Service Center.
Phone: 219-989-2888
Location: Powers Building, Room 216
Your Responsibility for your ResNet Account
Please do not let anyone use your network connection which has been registered to you. Every student is responsible for any and all traffic that comes across our campus network that is being used by their account. Each student will be held liable for any malicious activities performed using their account.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education and/or Purdue University Northwest is not liable for any loss or damage to personal property that might occur while in residence. HRE and PNW do not insure the resident’s personal property but offer the resident the ability to sign up for personal property insurance in their Housing Application (online). The resident is strongly recommended to have insurance on personal items such as computers, stereos, televisions, etc.
Homeowner’s insurance often covers property outside of the home, which means that the resident’s parent’s insurance may cover property while living in residence. The resident should check with their parents to see if this is the case. If not, the resident is encouraged to check local listings to find an insurance agency that can meet their needs.
If a resident finds a lost item, they should bring it to the Front Desk of their building so that the Housing Staff can log in items of value and store it safely until the owner can reclaim possession. Any items not logged should be placed in the Lost and Found bin in the lobby area (as instructed by staff). If a resident has lost an item and it was turned in to one of the University Village Front Desks, the resident may claim it by properly describing the item.
All lost and found items are kept at The University Village for no more than one week, after which items of value will be given to the Purdue University Northwest Police Department. Items deemed to have no value, will be donated or thrown away. If the item give to PNW Police is not recovered after 30 days, the item may be disposed of/donated.
If items are left in a room/apartment/common area by a past resident, the items will be gathered by Housing staff and stored for 30 days. There will be a fee for gathering the items and storing the items which will be charged to the resident(s) assigned to the apartment/area in which the items were found. Please see the Fines & Fees section of this handbook for pricing.
Service Animal and Support Animal Guidelines
The Department of Housing and Residential Education (HRE) at Purdue University Northwest acknowledges that service dogs (trained to perform tasks) and support animals (those who provide emotional support), will be allowed in housing after approval is received by the PNW Accessibility Center. Please contact the PNW Accessibility Center at (219) 989-2455 to get this process started. You will need to meet with the Housing Operations Coordinator and sign an ESA agreement before the animal can be brought into your apartment/room.
If roommates are allergic to the approved animal, you will be asked to move to a different room.
No animals (with the exception of fish) are allowed in University Village rooms without receiving prior approval from HRE. If a guest has a service animal, they will be allowed in the community. If the animal is NOT a service animal, they will not be allowed to enter the community. Please see our Pets policy (in the policy section of this handbook) for more information.
The Recycle U program will offer recycle drop off on the first floor of each building, every Thursday (except when the office is closed/University Holidays) from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The drop off locations are near the front desk of each building.
Participating in the Recycle U program is easy with these three easy steps:
Step 1 – Educate Yourself
- Get to know what you can and can’t recycle with our guides below.
- Review our University Village Recycling Process 20-21 Guide!
- Keep your recycling items separate from your trash, get a separate bin for your kitchen.
Step 2 – Thursday 8 a.m.
- Drop your items off in the yellow bin near the front desk by 4:30 p.m. for our staff to come by and pick it up.
Anyone found to put trash in these bins, will receive a fine of $50.00 and be taken through the student conduct process. Please see the fines & fees section of this handbook for more information.
- Cardboard boxes
- All paper, including high-grade office paper, magazines, and newspaper can be mixed together.
- Glass (please make sure that it does not puncture the recycling bag).
- Cans made of aluminum, tin, and steel are acceptable. Rinse containers.
- Remove debris from boxes (e.g., packing peanuts or pizza crusts from frozen pizzas). Flatten and place boxes by apartment entry way during pick-up time if it can not fit inside recycling bag.
- Plastic bottles that are PETE (#1) and HDPE (#2) are acceptable. (Such numbers are noted on the bottom of containers.) Rinse containers. It eliminates contaminants in the recycling process. Remove and throw away lids.
- No plastic shopping bags, please!
Paper and Cardboard
- Hardcover books
- Napkins
- Paper towels
- Tissues
- Paper soiled with food or liquid
- Paper with a lot of tape and glue
- Plastic or wax-coated paper
- Photographic paper
- Frozen food containers
- No take-out or delivery pizza boxes
Metal, Glass and Plastic
- Styrofoam
- Plastic bags
- Shower curtains
- Containers that held dangerous or corrosive chemicals
- Lighters
- Plastic tubes (toothpaste, lotion and cosmetics)
- Single-serve food and drink squeezable pouches
- VHS or cassette tapes
- Pens
- Disposable razors
- Three-ring binders
- Umbrellas
- Garden hoses
- Luggage
- Sponges
- Sports balls
- Mirrors
- Plate glass
- Light bulbs
- Ceramics
- Glassware
- Batteries
- Electronics
- Extension cords
- Diapers
Checking In: When you are assigned to your room, you will receive an email with all of the information you need to check into your room properly. This must be scheduled in advance! Please be sure to follow all of the steps outlined in the email properly and read our Welcome Guide fully before moving in.
Checking Out: When you are ready to leave, there are certain items that are needed to ensure you check out properly. You are not able to leave your key in your room and move out; our Housing Staff needs to know you are no longer living with us. Please be sure to reach out to our staff by emailing if you have any questions concerning this process.
- If you are leaving during the school year, please be sure to complete a Housing Cancellation Petition to ensure you understand any fines/fees you may incur by leaving before the end of your contract.
- If you are leaving at the end of your contract, please be sure to review all emails you receive about this process and fully review our Check-Out Guide to ensure you avoid any extra fees/fines that can happen when students do not check out properly.
*Please know, any items left in the kitchen area of your apartment, after you check out, will be immediately thrown out/donated. These items will not be stored.
Below is the list of fine and fees for the Housing Department. If you have any questions concerning these, please email at any time.
University Village Fees & Fines 2023-24 | |
Service Desk Services: | |
Temporary/Access Room Card | $20.00 |
Fire & Safety: | |
Candles and/or Incense (Open Flame) | $50.00 |
Smoking (for smoking in UV) First Offense | $100.00 |
Smoking (for smoking in UV) Second Offense | $200.00 |
Smoking (for smoking in UV) Third or additional Offenses (per offense) | $300.00 |
Tampering or Altering Smoke Detector | $200.00 |
Health & Safety Violations: First Offense (to each resident responsible) | $100.00 |
Health & Safety Violations: Second Offense (to each resident responsible) | $200.00 |
Health & Safety Violations: Third or additional Offenses (to each resident responsible) | $300.00 |
Failure to Evacuate During a Fire Alarm | $100.00 |
Exit Door Entry: First Offense | $50.00 |
Exit Door Entry: Second Offense | $100.00 |
Exit Door Entry: Third or additional Offenses (per offense) | $150.00 |
Housing-provided Shower Curtain | $25.00 |
Housing-provided Bathmat | $25.00 |
Face Covering: First Offense | $5.00 |
Face Covering: Second Offense | $10.00 |
Face Covering: Third or additional Offenses (per offense) | $15.00 |
Lockouts: | |
First Lockout | Free (1 per Contract term) |
2nd lockout | $5.00 |
3rd lockout | $10.00 |
4th or additional (per occurrence) | $15.00 |
Locks & Keys: | |
Damaged Key | $10.00 |
Lost Mail Key | $50.00 |
Pet Violations: | |
Pet Violation: First Offense | $100.00 |
Pet Violation: Second Offense | $200.00 |
Pet Violation: Third & additional Offenses (per offense) | $300.00 |
Cleaning, Damages and Repairs: | |
Carpet Cleaning: Bedroom | $37.50 |
Carpet Cleaning: Common Area | $60.00 |
Carpet Cleaning: Vanity Area | $25.00 |
Cleaning Kitchen/Common Area | $120.00 |
Cleaning Bathroom & Vanity Area | $50.00 |
Cleaning Bedroom | $70.00 |
Cleaning Entire Apartment (including all bedrooms) | $375.00 |
Inappropriately Discarded Trash (including Recycling) | $50.00 |
Light Wall Patching (includes leaving hooks on walls) | $15.00 |
Paint 1 to 2 Walls | $75.00 |
Paint Entire Bedroom | $150.00 |
Blind Replacement (Bedroom & Common Area) | $25.00 |
Removed/Replaced Window Screens | $65.00 |
Removed/Replaced Window Guards | $40.00 |
Replace Door (Bedroom) | $480.00 |
Replace Door (Suite) | $480.00 |
Replace Bedroom Light Cover | $25.00 |
Bedroom Closet Mirror Damage-Peregrine | $225.00 |
Bedroom Closet Mirror Damage-Griffin | $250.00 |
Replace Stovetop Burner Bowls | $20.00 |
Replace Cable/Internet Jack | $7.50 |
Replace/Repair Dresser Drawer | $81.50 |
All other damages… | |
Damage/Vandalism/Repair/Replacement | Cost of replacement, labor and repair |
Other: | |
Improper Checkout | $50.00 |
Checkout Trash Removal | $25.00/per bag |
Unauthorized Use of a Room | $200.00 |
Early Arrival Fee | $30.00/ Day |
Late Stay Fee | $30.00/ Day |
Quarantine Stay | $25.00/Day |
Mail & Package Procedures
The University Village Mail and Package Process
Mailboxes are conveniently located on the main level directly around the corner from the Front Desk in each building. Each resident will be issued one mailbox key when they check-in. Residents should promptly return any mail not belonging to them to the Front Desk for correct delivery. To receive mail, the following format must be used:
Peregrine Hall Residents:
Resident’s Name
2330 173rd Street
Peregrine Hall
Apartment #123A
Hammond, IN 46323
Griffin Hall Residents:
Resident’s Name
2440 173rd Street
Griffin Hall
Apartment #123A
Hammond, IN 46323
All mail and packages are delivered to the HRE Central Office in Griffin Hall. All mail that is able to fit is placed in the respective resident’s mailbox by our Mail Distribution Assistant. If a package or piece of mail is unable to fit into a resident’s mailbox, an email is sent to the resident and the package is stored at the front desk or in the mail room (large packages) within Griffin Hall.
Residents are not allowed to loan their individual mailbox keys out to friends to pick up their mail. If a guest is found to be in possession of a resident’s mailbox key, the HRE administrative staff will confiscate the key and contact the appropriate resident.
Due to the class schedules of the MDAs, your mail should be in your mailbox by 8 p.m. each day. Package information will arrive in your email within 1 hour of it being processed. Please see below for package pick-up hours.
All packages delivered during the day will be set aside for the Mail Distribution Assistant to process, this will happen in the mid-late afternoon. As soon as they are processed, an email will be sent to the resident’s PNW student email. Packages are available and may be picked up from the Griffin Hall Front desk during the following times (below).
These distribution hours are posted on every floor, by every elevator and in each mailbox area. Package hours will not be available during these days: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, MKL Day, Memorial Day and July 4 (Independence Day). Please check this list for all regular US mail delivery dates.
We will offer extended hours during busy times (August/September and late May/June).
Academic Year (Mid-August to Mid-May) Hours
- Monday-Friday: Noon to 1 p.m.; 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
- Saturday-Sunday: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Summer (Mid-May to Mid-August) Hours
- Monday through Saturday: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Sunday: by request only (email by Friday at noon to
Sending Mail from University Village
To send mail from your building, residents must make sure it has the proper postage on it. They can then take their letter to the blue USPS box in front of Griffin Hall. Any mail that does not have the proper postage will not be sent out and returned to the resident.
If you would like to send a package by UPS, you can drop it off at the Griffin Hall front desk. Please know that UPS does not always check the desk for returned packages so this could take a few days longer than expected.
If you would like to send a package by FEDEX, you will need to call FEDEX and schedule a pick up for the Griffin Hall front desk. We will not take any packages that have not been scheduled.
You can also visit the nearest UPS/FED EX store to ensure it is packaged and sent out properly.
How to Have Someone Else Pick up Your Package
Residents may not have another resident or individual to pick up their package unless previously arranged with administrative staff via email at least 24 hours in advance. The Resident must email our Housing Clerk, Kimberly Baum and include the person they wish to pick up their package in the email. The person who is picking it up MUST RESPOND that they accept, or we will not be able to release the package to them. The person picking up the package must also include a time pick-up time in their email to Kimberly Baum.
Grocery Deliveries
All grocery deliveries should be met by the resident who placed the order. If you are not able to meet the delivery person, you should direct them to drop off the items at the drop-off location inside the entry of each building (address below). No delivery person will be allowed to deliver directly to your room. Anything left after the 24-hour period will be donated to the University Food Pantry.
Delivery services should be given the below address for your building:
Peregrine Hall Residents:
2330 173rd Street
Peregrine Hall
Apartment #123A
Hammond, IN 46323
Griffin Hall Residents:
2440 173rd Street
Griffin Hall
Apartment #123A
Hammond, IN 46323
Meal Deliveries
All Meal Deliveries (Grubhub, DoorDash, etc.) should be met by the resident who placed the order. If you are not able to meet the delivery person, you should direct them to drop off the items at the drop-off location inside the entry of each building (address above). No delivery person will be allowed to deliver directly to your room. Anything left after the 24-hour period will discarded.
Prepared Meal Deliveries
All Meal Deliveries (Grubhub, Door Dash, etc.) should be met by the resident who placed the order. If you are not able to meet the delivery person, you should direct them to drop off the items at the drop off location inside the entry of each building (address above). No delivery person will be allowed to deliver directly to your room. Anything left after the 24 hour period will discarded.
If you have an emergency/urgent package (medication, book for class that day or perishables), you should contact the Department of Housing and Residential Education ( as soon as the package is scheduled for delivery, and we will work with you to get your package outside of the scheduled/posted package hours (above).
If you are not able to get your package during any of the scheduled hours above, you can email the department with the name of a student who can pick up the package for you (this must be in writing). All other packages must wait until the MDA is finished processing the mail fully for that day.
Please note: Housing and Residential Education does not have a refrigerator in which to store perishable packages or medication. It is the the resident’s responsibility to ensure this type of package is picked up appropriately.
All meal delivery services (such as Hello Fresh, Freshly, Dinnerly, Blue Apron, etc.) packages that arrive will be processed with all normal packages each day. However, if you need to pick them up sooner, please email our Housing Clerk, Kimberly Baum, to schedule a pick up. We will only keep these items for 24 hours. If your package is not picked up by 24 hours of the time it was processes, it will be discarded.
Please be sure to bring your Pride Card when you come to pick up packages. Please also make sure that you are putting your full name (first and last which must match your student ID) on each package so we can efficiently process it properly. If the name on a package does not match your student ID, it will be returned to sender the next day.
How to Have Someone Else Pick up Your Emergency Package
Residents may not request another resident or individual to pick up their package unless previously arranged with administrative staff via email at least 24 hours in advance. The Resident must email our Housing Clerk, Kimberly Baum and include the person they wish to pick up their package. The person who is picking it up, MUST RESPOND that they accept or we will not be able to release the package to them. The person picking up the package must also include a time pick up time in their email to Kimberly Baum.
When a resident moves out, it is imperative that the resident complete an “Address Change Request Form.” Completing the appropriate paperwork will be helpful in forwarding first-class mail to the resident’s new address. The “Address Change Request Form” will be available to a resident upon check-out. Residents are expected to provide the Department of Housing and Residential Education with an address to forward all first class mail when residents vacate The University Village community by completing an “Address Change Request Form.”
Housing will only forward mail for 1 month. After that point, all mail will be returned to sender.
Residents transitioning into a different space within The University Village community are not required to complete an “Address Change Request Form.”
Residents are expected to be familiar with the following forwarding mail guidelines:
- Bulk mail, and many discounted-rate postage classes cannot be forwarded due to United States Postal Service regulations.
- The United States Postal Service will not forward mail to International addresses. As a result, the Department of Housing and Residential Education is unable to forward mail to international addresses. All International Mail will be returned to sender.
- Residents leaving The University Village community may not forward their mail to any University Village address.
- As a reminder, to expedite the receipt of mail, be sure to change your address with these commonly forgotten senders, which include, but are not limited to: insurance providers, banks/credit card companies, magazines, student loan providers, cellular phone providers, and additional bills.
If a resident has not received a package that they have order, they will need to complete a Lost Package Form online. It can be found here: Lost Package Form
Please ensure you attach/describe the following information in your form to ensure HRE staff can efficiently track your package:
- Screenshot of address it was delivered to
- Screenshot of time/date it was delivered (who signed for it)
- Tracking number (NOT order number)
- Screenshot of NAME on the package (who it was delivered to)
HRE has many cameras that cover the front desk area of Griffin Hall so they will be able to track your package starting at the time/date it was delivered. This may take some time to review and we appreciate your patience as we work to retrace your package. Common issues that occur with lost packages are:
- No name on the package
- Wrong Name (in parents name or has nickname)
- No Preferred Name listed in our system (this must be updated via the Dean of Students office)
- Package states Full Name and no full name is listed in our system
Please check your PNW Student email as that will be how we remain in contact with you moving forward. If you have any questions, please feel free to email at any time.
Residential Education
The primary goals of Residential Education are to support residents in achieving their academic goals, to enhance the growth and development of residents, and to create and sustain a sense of community.
By organizing Residential Education opportunities and social events, the Residential Education staff will strive to support the academic and interpersonal needs of the University Village community.
Planning and implementing educational and social activities support the residents’ academic endeavors. Residential Education provides new learning experiences for residents through programs; encourages personal interaction in a structured, supportive environment that allows residents to explore new ways of relating to one another; offers an outlet for energy; teaches residents to more effectively use the personal and environmental resources available to them; encourages residents to be more involved in their living environment; and promotes the development of cooperative living communities.
All of these outcomes of Residential Education serve to increase the residents’ satisfaction with their living environment and enhance their personal and academic development.
It is important that you make an effort to remain honest and sincere. Try to spend time finding out what you have in common as well as what makes you different. When sharing reactions with each other, address the behavior. By focusing on the behavior, you do not destroy the person. For example, if your suitemate has done something that bothers you, try expressing your thoughts like this:
- When you do ________, I feel ________; therefore, I need ________.
Be timely with your feedback. Unresolved tension will fester until you burst with anger at the smallest thing. Remember avoiding conflict does not make it go away.
Issues That Affect Roommates:
- Cleaning habits
- Types of music you listen to
- Temperature
- Overnight guests
- Sharing food, clothes, etc.
- Religious or cultural awareness
- Sleeping times
- Study times
- Things that annoy you
- Watching TV
- Things that make you happy
- Using each other’s things
REMEMBER: Be patient and develop a plan of action. Approach your roommate in private if you have a problem. Do not use notes and/or social networking sites to express concerns. Face to face interaction is strongly recommended and most effective when done respectfully. Involving third parties will only escalate or further complicate the conflict or issue at hand.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education recognizes and celebrates that the University community is made up of people who represent diversity at many levels — diversity of thought, belief, race, ethnicity, culture, gender and sexual orientation. All members of the University community are equal and accountable to each other.
Housing and Residential Education embraces the philosophy that all persons who are ridiculed and demeaned for their differences are entitled to “places where allies dwell.”
In a community of scholars, there is no place for hateful behavior. The Department of Housing and Residential Education affirms the dignity of all people.
~Attribution with permission from Dr. David B. Stephen, the Director of University Housing & Food Service, California State University, Chico
How Do You Begin?
Take a few minutes to review how much you know about each other. Do you know each other’s hometown, major, birthday, favorite musical group, favorite TV show, and favorite movie? If not, just ask!
After You Know The Basics!
Move on to other topics. Below are suggested topics for discussion between suitemates. Begin by one of you completing the following statements and the other listening to the answers. Ask for clarification on anything that seems unclear. Then, switch.
- I need ________ amount of sleep.
- I like to go to sleep around ________.
- Having a clean/tidy room is ________ important to me.
- Living away from home makes me feel ________.
- The things I’m excited about doing within the Village are ________.
- Some of my habits that might be important for you to know are ________.
- When I relieve stress, I ________.
Living together involves learning and using some valuable skills such as communication, assertiveness, and cooperation. It is important that you let your roommates know exactly how you feel about any situation that arises.
Stand up for your rights. Do not “give in” just to prevent an argument. In the long run it will just make you unhappy and lead to bigger disagreements in the future. Remember that your roommate has rights, too. He or she will be asserting their rights.
Cooperation is the best way to deal with differences. The “problem” is not over unless both roommates feel better when the difference is settled. If you know the needs and concerns of your roommates, and they know yours, tiny irritations can be dealt with before they develop into larger problems.
You have the right to do and act as you like in your room (within the constraints of the community standards, expectations, rules and regulations). However, so does your roommate. Because your lifestyles will differ in some aspects, it will be helpful to sit down together and discuss similarities and differences you may have.
The following questions are examples of what you may want to discuss with your roommates:
- How would you like to share cleaning responsibilities?
- Do you need absolute quiet when you sleep?
- Do you care if your roommates uses your personal belongings?
- What are your thoughts in regards to having guests over?
- How should we regulate the temperature in the apartment?
Roommate Agreements
One of the greatest advantages of living in a collegiate residential environment is the opportunity to live and work closely with all types of people! The key to getting to know your roommate and getting along with them is communication; it’s difficult to get to know one another without talking to each other.
We believe that a structured opportunity to get acquainted and to set some ground rules for your apartment will enhance the development of your relationship and thus provide you with a more positive living experience.
As a result, Roommate Agreements are required to be completed by every resident in every suite during the academic year. These will be given to you at the start of each semester (usually after the first two weeks of classes). Please use this agreement as a guide to help you get acquainted with your roommates. A discussion of your intended living situation should include division of housekeeping tasks, sleeping and study patterns, methods of resolving concerns/problems, and use of your apartment and the resources located within.
Following your completion of the roommate agreement and discussion with your roommates you can receive a copy and should review it periodically throughout the semester. It can be updated at any time by contacting your RA!
If you and/or your roommates are having a difficult time completing your apartment roommate agreement, please contact your Resident Assistant. Your Resident Assistant will provide you with advice and/or setup a meeting with you and your roommates to help you complete your Apartment Roommate Agreement.
At the beginning of each semester, wing/floor meetings will be conducted by the resident assistant staff. Attendance at these meetings is required to complete your check-in process. Important information concerning safety and security, regulations, and services will be distributed.
During each semester Wing/Floor meetings could be called at other times to address specific issues affecting the community. Attendance at these meetings is also required.
Residents are responsible for the information given at all such meetings and are encouraged to contribute ideas or address concerns or problems at these scheduled meetings. All meetings are planned and posted in advance.
Housing Contract
To view the current year contract, please click here: HRE Forms.
Conduct Process
Our goal is to develop living environments that promote learning opportunities, personal growth, and personal development. To accomplish this, it is critical that individuals respect the rights of their fellow residents, including the right to:
- sleep and study without undue interference
- a comfortable level of personal privacy
- a clean and welcoming living environment
- freedom from harassment and intimidation
- support from the residence staff
Creating community in a successful living and learning environment requires a commitment to behavioral standards. All residents bear the responsibility to act in accordance with local, state, and national laws, Purdue University Northwest Regulations Governing Student Conduct and Housing and Residential Education (HRE) community rules and regulations. Violations of the HRE Rules and Regulations may result in HRE resident conduct proceedings, University disciplinary action, and/or criminal prosecution. The HRE Primary Resident Conduct Officer and/or designated University Administrators will review alleged violations for appropriate referral to the HRE Resident Conduct Process, University disciplinary system, and/or criminal prosecution. Each incident will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Responsibility for Correspondence
All conduct correspondence will be sent via email. Once information has been disseminated via email, the resident will be considered to be notified.
If the resident is referred to the HRE Resident Conduct Process, they can expect the following:
- The resident will receive a notice regarding the alleged violations of HRE Rules and Regulations and/or Student Code of Conduct via their PNW email account.
- When the resident attends the hearing they can expect the following:To be informed of the circumstances of the alleged violation(s) and the information gathered during the Resident Conduct Process inquiry.
- To provide the conduct officer with the names of any witnesses, evidence, or any relevant information on the resident’s own behalf.
- To be provided with the opportunity to ask questions.
Unable to Attend Hearing
If the resident is unable to attend the scheduled resident conduct hearing, they will be expected to communicate the scheduling conflict to the resident conduct officer at least 24 hours prior to the date of the hearing. An unexcused absence from a resident conduct hearing will result in a resolution being made without input from the resident. The resolution may include the resident being found responsible and receiving a resident conduct sanction. If a resident does not appear for their hearing and the case is resolved in their absence, that is not grounds for an appeal.
Resident conduct cases will be resolved as quickly as investigative inquiries will allow. Some resident conduct cases may result in the resident being found not responsible for the violation of policy. In these cases, no further conduct action will be taken, however, appropriate referrals to other university resources may be provided. Other resident conduct cases may result in the resident being found responsible for the violation of policy.
In conduct cases where a resident is found responsible for violating policy, resident conduct resolutions may include:
- Written Warning: Written warning means that the student is warned and if the resident is found responsible for violating the same policy or any other policies of the University Village Resident Handbook the resident will be subject to further resident conduct proceedings. A written warning does not affect a student’s resident conduct standing.
- Educational Sanction: Educational assignments/sanctions are issued on a case-by-case basis as determined by the Resident Conduct Hearing Officer assigned to the case. We want residents to learn from the experience that resulted in their referral to the HRE Resident Conduct Process and we believe the educational assignments/sanctions we provide will help residents meet that goal. Educational Sanctions may include a reflection paper, community service component, assisting with a program, helping construct a bulletin board, etc.
- Housing Probation: Housing probation means that for a period of time, that will be defined in the decision letter, the resident is placed on housing probation and if they are found responsible for violating any policies in the future, they will be subject to further conduct proceedings, including separation from housing. Housing probation does affect a student’s resident conduct standing.
- Fine or Damage/Replacement Charge: Students may be charged as part of a sanction to either replace materials damaged in the commission of a violation OR if there is fine associated with this. Please see the Fine/Fees section in this handbook (above).
- Separation from Housing: Separation from housing means that the resident must vacate University Village. The resident may be issued a no trespass order for one year from the date of their separation. The resident is also financially responsible for the remainder of their entire housing contract.
Referral to the Office of the Dean of Students
All resident conduct cases may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for adjudication depending on severity, circumstances and situation.
Decisions rendered by the Office of the Dean of Students
All conduct cases that are adjudicated by the Office of the Dean of Students or a representative of the Office of the Dean of Students where a resident is either suspended or expelled would result in the resident being separated from housing. If a resident is separated from housing due to conduct, the resident is still financially responsible for their entire housing contract.
Summary Exclusion from The University Village Community
A resident charged with a violation of any rule subject to these regulations may be summarily excluded from The University Village community without the issuance of a written notice and without the procedures previously outlined in this document. The summary exclusion is pending the completion of the Housing and Residential Education Resident Conduct Process and/or University disciplinary process on the conditions specifically outlined at the time of the exclusion.
The Executive Director, Associate Director, and/or University Administrators may order summary exclusion; and when feasible, the resident shall be given an opportunity to be heard at a formal hearing to be scheduled outside of The University Village community. Summary exclusion shall be ordered if the designated resident conduct officer is satisfied that the continued presence of the resident in The University Village community threatens physical harm to the resident or to any other person or to the property of the University or of others, or when there is reasonable cause to believe that the resident’s presence will lead to further disciplinary action. When summary exclusion is invoked, the Resident Conduct Process shall be expedited pending further inquiry into the incident(s) in question.
The Appeals Process
If a resident wishes to appeal the decision from the resident conduct proceeding, they have five (5) business days from the date provided on the decision letter to appeal the decision. If the Resident Conduct Proceeding was heard in Housing and Residential Education, the letter of appeal should be sent to the Director of Housing and Residential Education. The appeal letter must meet at least one of the conditions for appeal outlined below:
- There is significant and new information related to the case that was not available at the time of the initial hearing.
- There is evidence that the University failed to follow established procedures.
- The sanction is grossly disproportionate to the offense.
If and only if one of these conditions is met, will the appeal request advance to a resident conduct appeals hearing. If a resident does not appear for his or her hearing and the case is resolved in their absence, that is not grounds for an appeal.
Appeals for violations happening in housing will be heard by the Director of Housing. Certain cases may be appealed to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Housing & Student Life.
The appeal must be submitted by the student and state the specific grounds for the appeal. The appeal must be received by the appropriate appeal’s officer within five University business days of the date the decision letter was sent. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the appeal notice is received by the specified due date to the appropriate appeal officer. Disciplinary decisions not appealed within such time are deemed final.
Appeals will be decided solely on the basis of the record of the original proceeding and the written materials provided to support the appeal.
The appeals officer shall review all material pertinent to the case. The appeals officer may affirm the findings and/or sanctions, decrease the sanction, or remand the case to the original hearing authority for a second hearing.
The appeal officer shall notify the student in writing (which may be sent to his/her University-issued email address) of the outcome of the case, normally within ten University business days of the appeals officer’s receipt of the appeal. All decisions of the appeals officer are final.
Resident Responsibilities
Rules and regulations are necessary for the smooth functioning of any community. Every resident has the right to an environment in which he/she can study, socialize, and live comfortably. There are three basic principles involved in achieving this:
- Demonstrate care about yourself.
- Demonstrate care about and consideration of others.
- Respect others and University Village property.
Residents are strongly encouraged to take the time to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the Department of Housing and Residential Education, as well as the Regulations Governing the Student Code of Conduct. Residents and guests are expected to abide by all HRE rules and regulations as well as the Regulations Governing Student Code of Conduct.
Living in the University Village community is a unique opportunity. The rules and regulations of the Department of Housing and Residential Education are in place for the safety of our residents and to ensure that our community is conducive to studying and sleeping.
Community living requires each member of the community to be a good neighbor. By signing the housing contract, residents agree to make themselves aware of and abide by all the policies, rules, and regulations indicated therein. The Department of Housing and Residential Education reserves the right to cancel the housing contract of any resident due to the inability or refusal of the resident to adjust to the concept and requirement of living in a student residence environment.
Regardless of age, students are prohibited from consuming, transporting, and distributing alcohol; possessing or being in the presence of alcohol; or exhibiting disruptive behavior influenced by the use of alcohol. Unused alcohol will be disposed of by the student under the supervision of the Purdue University Northwest Police Department.
The consumption of alcohol off-campus that results in an incident within The University Village community or disruption of the community is also a violation of this policy. Residents found in violation of this policy may be required to complete the E-Checkup To Go alcohol Education program and may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. Repeated violations could result in Separation from Housing
- Alcohol Displays: Displays of empty alcohol, wine, liquor, or beer containers is not allowed.
- Graduate Community: Rooms designated as part of the Graduate Community in University Village are allowed to have alcohol in their apartments. When alcohol is present in an apartment only those above the age of 21 are allowed to be in the apartment. No common source containers (keg, party balls, etc…) of alcohol will be allowed in the Graduate Community at any time.
- Decals: The posting of decals and stickers is not permitted because of damage to painted walls, windows, and other surfaces.
- Displays: It is essential that residents observe good taste and common sense in decorating their apartments. No articles are to be displayed in the windows since the public views the facility from the outside. Residents will be charged for damage caused by affixing decorations which mark, deface, or mar the interior and exterior.
- Lights: LED adhesive flex strip lights that stick to the wall are not allowed in University Village.
It is the responsibility of the resident to clean and maintain her/his apartment in a sanitary and safe condition. It is recommended that all occupants of each apartment read their electronic Room Condition Report (RCR) carefully when they first check into their room via the Housing Portal. This electronic form (RCR) lists the current condition of a room and will be used by the staff upon check out to assess any damages created by the resident during their stay.
If there is anything that needs to be added, the resident will have 72 hours to indicate on their electronic RCR. Excessive damage to an apartment suite may result in the filing of a police report and further resident or student conduct proceedings may be initiated.
Maintenance checks are done periodically by The University Village Facilities Team. The Department of Housing and Residential Education reserves the right to enter any room to make damage inspections, necessary maintenance repairs, complete a room inventory, and/or conduct safety inspections. Please note that housing staff will open ovens, microwaves, and all refrigerator doors (including personal refrigerators) to check for proper cleaning and/or moldy food.
It is recommended that each apartment create a chore chart as well as a cleaning schedule with their roommates to ensure their living space is kept to a healthy standard. Within two weeks of the official start of the Fall contract, all apartments must be cleaned by the residents living in those apartments.
The condition of these apartments at the start of the new contract year must be deemed to be in good condition by housing staff. Anybody who does not have their apartment clean and ready two weeks prior to the start of the new Fall contract will be subject to the conduct process and associated fines.
To ensure all residents in an apartment are comfortable we have established the following guidelines:
- Students should work with their roommates to create a disinfection protocol for their common areas and bathrooms.
- The thermostat in each apartment must maintain a temperature of 65 degrees but not above 80 degrees unless all roommates agree and it has been approved by the Associate Director of the building and noted within the Roommate Agreement.
- All apartments must provide a shower curtain and bathmat for their bathroom to ensure the bathroom floor remains in good condition and does not suffer any water damage. If a shower curtain or bathmat is not found is not found, staff will cover the shower head, and it must remain covered until such time as a shower curtain and/or bathmat is provided for the shower.
- The shower curtain must be tub length and should be kept inside the tub at all times to prevent water dripping onto the floor. A regular bath towel does not qualify as a bathmat. If a shower curtain/bathmat is not provided within one week, housing staff will purchase and install a curtain/bathmat for the resident. The cost of the curtain/bathmat and the labor involved will be charge to the student.
- Residents are to follow any instructions on how to operation their garbage disposal properly and should not put anything except edible inside. Items that should not be put into the garbage disposal can be found here. Using the garbage disposal in a way that damages it is considered misuse of their garbage disposal.
- All appliances should be used according and in line with their purpose. Any questions concerning the proper use of the appliances in the apartment should be emailed to
- Residents are not to touch any of the breakers in their apartment. Housing Maintenance staff should be the only ones to make any adjustments.
No appliances with exposed heating elements or grills (for either outdoor or indoor use), are allowed. Major appliances, including, but not limited to washers, dryers, deep freezers, full-size refrigerators and dishwashers are heavy consumers of utilities and are not allowed on the premises because of electrical and plumbing requirements.
In consideration of fire safety, halogen lamps and deep fryers are not permitted for use in any residential facility. Small refrigerators, less than 3.2 cubic feet are allowed in individual student bedrooms and are subject to inspection during health and safety inspections.
Engaging in consistent and paid labor (e.g. babysitting, Etsy store, beauty products/services, etc.) is not permitted in University Village. You cannot run a business out of your University Village room as it is the property of Purdue University Northwest.
A student shall not, through act or omission, assist another student, individual, or group in committing or attempting to commit a University Village policy violation. A student who has knowledge of another committing or attempting to commit a violation of a University Village policy is required to remove themselves from the situation, and failure to do so when reasonable under the circumstances may be the basis for a violation of this policy. Repeated violations of this policy may result in removal from the University village.
Computer labs are currently open and disinfected daily. Cleaning wipes are provided at each work station. Residents who do not follow computer lab policies and guidelines may be subject to resident conduct proceedings. Guests are not permitted to use The University Village computer labs.
Resident must not engage in disorderly conduct which is defined as any behavior that is disruptive (regardless of intent) to the rights of others, behavior which disrupts the daily productive functioning of self or others.
Examples include, but are not limited to: quarreling, yelling, horseplay, knock-n-run, being intoxicated, intentionally preventing others from listening or presenting their ideas; manipulating others to gain sympathy or attention; excessive noise; engaging in public urination or defecation; horseplay, practical jokes, hiding from University officials, hall sports and ongoing general pranks or annoyances.
Violations of this policy may result in removal from University Village.
Residents must not behave in a manner that disturbs the peace and good order of the University Village community. Residents must avoid undue disruption to, and adverse impacts on, the daily operations of the campus housing community. This includes, but is not limited to, loitering at the front desk of each building as well as having too many guests in an apartment suite at any one given time.
Large gatherings of residents and guests in a single apartment suite often lead to a violation of the Courtesy Hours or Quiet Hours policy. If a large gathering causes a disturbance in the community (or to the staff member at the front desk), guests will be asked to leave University Village and residents will be told to return to their respective apartments. Violations of this policy may result in removal from the University Village.
The use, sale, or distribution of illicit drugs will not be tolerated. The misuse or sale of prescription drugs will not be tolerated. Residents and/or guests caught using or soliciting drugs will be reported to law enforcement, the Department of Housing and Residential Education, and the Office of the Dean of Students.
Residents and/or guests caught or suspected (e.g. smell of drugs or identification of possible paraphernalia) of using drugs will face resident conduct proceedings and/or student conduct disciplinary action which will likely include separation from housing and issuance of a no trespass order. Please make special note that contraband inspection services utilizing contraband detection canines may be conducted on an unannounced basis. Common areas, individual rooms, and automobiles parked on University Village property may be subject to inspection.
Please note, students must report any smell/evidence of drugs to avoid violation. Please see Complicity Policy (above).
The use of illegal substances prohibits the presence of items deemed to be paraphernalia. This includes, but is not limited to, bongs, hash pipes, blow tubes and water pipes. If prohibited items are observed in an apartment, the items will be confiscated by the University Police Department and resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action will be initiated. Residents found responsible for violating the Drug Paraphernalia policy will receive an educational sanction and may be removed from the University Village.
All guests and residents must use the appropriately designated entrances of The University Village to gain entry to The University Village. Guests who enter The University Village through an exit door will be asked to leave the premises and may be officially trespassed from the property by the Purdue University Northwest Police Department. All guests must enter and be properly checked in at the respective Front Desk for their safety.
Anyone found letting a person into the building through an exit door or propping open an exit door, will be fined $50.00 and be sent through the conduct process.
Repeated violations of this policy will lead to the resident being removed from University Village.
All residents and residents’ guests are expected to comply with reasonable requests of the Department of Housing and Residential Education staff and/or University officials. Failure to comply violations may result in removal from University Village.
Fire warning devices and safety equipment are to be used only in case of emergency. The sounding of a fire alarm should be taken seriously. In the event of a fire alarm or drill, residents and guests are to vacate the premises immediately. Residents and guests will be instructed by the staff of the Department of Housing and Residential Education on when they will be allowed to return to their apartments.
Residents who do not vacate their apartments during a fire alarm or drill are subject to resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action. The intentional sounding of an alarm outside of an emergency situation is a criminal offense and a material breach of the housing contract.
At the beginning of each semester, the Department of Housing and Residential Education will test the smoke detectors in University Village for proper operation and working batteries. Upon notification by the resident, the Department of Housing and Residential Education staff will replace batteries.
Tampering with or altering smoke detectors will result in a fine and resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action. Any violation is a default under the housing contract which would entitle the Department of Housing and Residential Education to declare a default and pursue all remedies provided to the Department of Housing and Residential Education/University.
Tampering or altering smoke detectors will result in a fine and resident conduct proceedings/student conduct disciplinary action. Any violation is a default under the housing contract which would entitle the Department of Housing and Residential Education to declare a default and pursue all remedies provided to the Department of Housing and Residential Education/University, including removal from housing.
Residents must evacuate the building during any sounding of the fire alarm, unless prior notice of testing is posted around the community. (1) NOTE – a drill is not considered testing.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education issued furniture may not be removed from individual bedrooms, apartment living rooms, and/or kitchens. Storage is not available. Residents will be held responsible for furniture not returned to its original position prior to checkout.
Department issued furniture may not leave the premises at any time. Residents are not permitted to bring large furnishings into The University Village community, including, but not limited to couches, arm chairs and mattresses. Small furnishings such as a desk chair may be allowed in student bedrooms but are not allowed to obstruct the entrance/exit of the room and may not present a tripping hazard.
Guests are considered anyone that does not live in (is not assigned to) your apartment. While other University Village residents are allowed to visit other apartments without being registered, the guest policy stated below still applies to ALL residents when they are not in their own apartments.
All regulations outlined in the Resident handbook and in the housing contract apply to guests as well as residents. Guests are required to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner and are not permitted to disturb the housing community. Guests must be registered at the front desk by a resident of the building they are checking into. The resident must present their PRIDE ID and the guest must present a valid state issued picture ID and be checked in by a current resident host at the front desk of the resident host’s building.
Guest must be accompanied by their resident host at all times, including checking in and out of the building. Guests are required to check out every time they leave the building they are checked into. Residents are 100% responsible for the conduct of their guests, including making guests aware of the Housing policies. Residents and their guests are subject to resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action by the Department of Housing and Residential Education staff, University disciplinary system, and can be held accountable by law enforcement officials.
Guests who stay past 2:00am will be considered an overnight Guest. Overnight guests may not stay more than 3 consecutive nights in a row or more than 12 nights a semester (no more than 4 nights a month). Guest are allowed to visit again at 8:00am the next day to show respect for all roommates. Residents must respect the wishes and comfort of their roommates when entertaining guests. Overnight guests are permitted for up to 4 nights per month (unless otherwise approved by the Assistant Director for Residential Education or Director of Housing and Residential Education) for no more than three consecutive nights as long as it is satisfactory with the resident’s roommates as well.
Minor Guests (17 years of age or younger): Minors who are at least 15 years of age, but younger than 17, are allowed to stay overnight in housing at Purdue Northwest under the same guest policies identified above. In addition, all minors visiting University Village will have to pre-register at least 24 hours in advance via the Housing Portal and must present a copy of their parent or guardian’s identification as well as a signed note of consent from their parent/guardian when checking into the University Village community. Minors who are 14 year of age of younger, are not allowed to visit the University Village community without a parent/guardian present with them. All minors will be required to complete a minor card to be properly registered/checked in and will be asked to leave the community at midnight each night.
HRE reserves the right to require a guest to leave if university policies and/or residence hall policies are not obeyed or if complaints are received from members of the residential community. Violation of any of these policies may lead to guests being charged with trespassing and residents (both guest and host) having their housing contract revoked.
Residents found responsible for violating this policy risk losing guest privileges and could be removed from University Village.
Space heaters, halogen lamps, and other heating devices present a fire hazard and are strictly prohibited in all University Village student apartments. Due to the safety hazard posed by these items, residents who willfully violate this policy may be removed from University Village. Coffee makers and candle warmers are allowed in University Village student apartments. This policy does not apply to university officials.
All residents and residents’ guests are required to provide appropriate and correct identification and information upon the request of Department of Housing and Residential Education staff and/or University officials. Appropriate and correct identification for residents will always be their PNW PRIDE Card or temporary access card.
All residents are required to have their PNW PRIDE Card ready to scan upon entering their residence hall. You must be able to show your PRIDE Card picture and/or My PNW Life Housing Group Icon if asked by the HRE desk staff.
PRIDE Card barcodes, HRE access cards (or temporary access card) are not to be transferred or used by anyone but the student in which the card is issued to. Knowingly furnishing false information in any form is also a violation of this policy. Violations of this policy may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students and may result in loss of privileges. Repeated violations will result in removal from the University Village community. Please see our Keys/Doors/Locks section of this handbook for forgotten/replacement HRE Access Card/Pride Card processes.
Laundry facilities are for residents’ use only. Residents are required to immediately remove laundry at the end of a wash/dry cycle. If wash is left unattended in a machine, any resident who wishes to use that machine may unload the machine and place the clothes on top of the washer or dryer. Clothes left unattended for more than two days will be confiscated and stored for 30 days. At the end of 30 days, items will be donated to a local charity or thrown away.
A University Village mailbox key and HRE Access Card is issued to each assigned room’s occupant upon arrival. The HRE Access Card is the only way a resident may enter the University Village community as the main doors are locked 24-7.
A resident is not to lend their key, HRE Access Card or PNW PRIDE Card/barcode to anyone. Doors and locks shall not be obstructed and locks may not be altered (including adding magnets to the doors or stuffing items in the lock to keep them from locking properly), changed, or added by residents under any circumstances.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education may, from time to time and without prior notice, change locks on an apartment for security purposes. Resident HRE Access Cards are not to be transferred or used by anyone else. Residents found to have tampered with a door or lock may be removed from housing.
Additionally, Apartment main entrance doors may NOT be propped at any time.
Residents will not be charged for lockouts during unannounced health and safety inspections.
Students are encouraged to assist in insuring that the exterior doors of residence halls remain closed and locked at all times. In addition, students are encouraged to lock the door to their rooms when they are absent from the room or when they are sleeping. Students who compromise the safety of other residents will be subjected to disciplinary action.
Examples of such behavior include but are not limited to, propping open exterior (exit only) doors, intentionally allowing non-residents/residents access to the building, failure to escort guests, duplicating and/or loaning keys, sealing windows or doors closed that would prevent entry in cases of emergency and damage to lock mechanisms or other security devices.
Please note, violations of this policy will likely result in removal from University Village.
Residents will not be permitted to construct lofts (stack bed on top of other university furniture or the use of bed risers), install waterbeds, add wall partitions, or build/add any similar structures.
- Quiet Hours: All residents and guests shall comply with QUIET HOURS and COURTESY HOURS policies in the University Village community and on the premises, and shall comply with all rules and regulations as posted from time to time for use of the recreational areas. This includes, but is not limited to, the surrounding parking lot areas, and the Griffin Hall Patio. Quiet Hours are from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days a week. This also includes loud music or sound coming from a vehicle. If sound from your apartment is heard anywhere outside of your apartment, you are likely in violation of this policy.
- Courtesy Hours are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Residents may be approached to reduce the noise level in an effort to support an environment conducive to learning. Residents and guests are expected to respect and comply with requests made by other residents and/or by Department staff members.
- 24 Hour Quiet Hours: During finals week from the Saturday morning prior to the start of finals until the last day of the last final, University Village will recognize 24 hour quiet hours throughout the community.
- Electronic Equipment: All radios, televisions, stereo equipment or others that can be played at a level that disrupts other residents (any other appliances or items which generate noise or sound) shall be turned down to a level that does not interfere with the quiet environment of the other residents.
- Instruments: No percussive or electronically amplified musical instruments may be played on the premises with the exception of scheduled student activities in common areas organized, sponsored or supported by the Department of Housing and Residential Education. Non-electronically amplified acoustic instruments may be played in University Village at a level that does not annoy or interfere with the quiet environment of the other residents. (Residents are encouraged to utilize the music practice room in Griffin.)
- Music Practice Room: Music may not be played in the music practice room during hall quiet hours.
- Repeat violations will result in escalated sanctions including possible removal from housing.
Open flames including but not limited to candles with burnt wicks, lit cigarettes and burning incense, are not permitted on the premises. Violators will be subject to an Open Flame fine and resident conduct proceedings. Due to the safety hazard posed by open flames, residents who willfully or continually violate this policy may be removed from University Village.
Each resident may park in only one parking spot and are expected to follow all parking guidelines outlined in the Resident Handbook and via parking signs and memorandums. Parking double, in fire lanes, in spaces designated for handicapped persons, in staff spaces or spaces assigned to other residents will result in the vehicle being ticketed or towed at vehicle owner’s expense.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education/University is not responsible for damage that may occur during towing. All resident vehicles must be registered via the online registration system.
Parking or storing inoperable vehicles in the University Village parking lots is not permitted. Vehicles parked in the University Village lots must be owned by a resident who is currently residing in the University Village Community. Any vehicle that does not meet this standard is considered abandoned.
If abandoned/inoperable vehicles are found, they will be tagged by the PNW Police Department and then towed at the owner’s expense. It is not the responsibility of the Department of Housing and Residential Education to notify the owners of the abandoned/inoperable vehicles when this occurs.
If guests cars are found to be parked in the parking area around University Village (specifically behind Peregrine Hall or between Griffin/Peregrine Hall), the resident with which the guest is registered to will be held accountable for violating this policy. The guest will also be banned and will no longer be allowed to visit anyone living in University Village in the future.
Residents shall not hang or erect anything on or about the interior or exterior of the University Village, nor place nails, hooks, etc. on interior or exterior walls or ceilings of the premises without the prior written consent of the Director of Housing and Residential Education. Residents are encouraged to use good taste when decorating.
All interior and exterior doors of The University Village shall remain free of nails, stickers, or any other additions to the original surface. To avoid marring the facilities, no posters or flyers are to be posted on exterior building walls, windows, or doors.
When hanging items on walls in your apartment, there are methods that are less likely to do damage than others. However, any method used may result in damage to your wall.
To decrease the chance of damage, housing recommends the following:
- Painters Tape
- Framed pictures or heavy wall hangings should be avoided. If a resident chooses to put up framed pictures or heavy wall hangings, they should use proper picture hanging hooks that do not penetrate through the entire dry wall boards. Seek assistance from the University Village Facilities Team if you have any questions.
There will be a minimum charge of $15.00 for anything left on walls of apartment (e.g. pins, double sided tape, 3M hooks, etc.).
Residents are responsible for adhering to the health and safety standards of the Department of Housing and Residential Education. In the event that the Department of Housing and Residential Education or University Village Facilities Team determines that a pest issue exists due to the negligence of care of any apartment suite, the respective residents will incur an educational sanction for the first occurrence. A subsequent violation will likely result in separation from the University Village community.
All animals, except fish (see below), are prohibited from being brought into University Village without the expressed written consent of the Director of Housing and Residential Education. Pet prohibitions apply to all mammals, reptiles, birds, and insects. The Department of Housing and Residential Education may turn the pet over to a humane society or local authority if found.
Fish are allowed in University Village under the following conditions:
- Fish must live in a fish tank that is mechanically-filtered and does not exceed 10 gallons in size.
- Fish that pose a danger to University Village residents are not allowed.
- Fish tanks must be kept clean at all times.
- Fish may be placed anywhere in an apartment, but if a fish is placed in any shared living space, all roommates must agree to this on the suitemate agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit seeing-eye dogs in The University Village for the visually impaired.
If a pet is found to be on the premises, the pet will be removed immediately. The Department of Housing and Residential Education may remove any unauthorized pet by the end of the business day (of the day the pet was found) if a written notice of intent to remove the pet is emailed to the student.
Repeat violations may result in the removal of the pet and the resident from University Housing.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education will not tolerate physical violence of any kind in the University Village community and will treat any report of a physical altercation with high priority. All residents are encouraged to make a report with the Purdue University Northwest Police Department.
Any report to the Department of Housing and Residential Education regarding an alleged or witnessed physical altercation will be investigated and referred for resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action. Housing reserves the right to temporarily remove those involved in the altercation while their case is being adjudicated. If a resident is found to be responsible for such an action, the resident may be removed from housing immediately.
- Car Washing: Car washing is not permitted on University Village property.
- Climbing in/out of Windows: No person should be allowed entry to an apartment by entering through the window. No person should leave a room/apartment by climbing out of the window unless during a fire.
- Gambling: Such activity is prohibited in University Village or on the grounds.
- Grills/Grilling: Fire code prohibits storage or use of barbecue grills in any building, walkway, stairway or balcony. Grills may not be stored indoors, and may be used outside of Griffin Hall on the back patio. Personal grills must be stored in residents’ cars while not in use. Purdue University Northwest officials are exempt from this policy when performing in an official University capacity.
- Hazing: Any act that injures, degrades, disgraces, any fellow student or person by any club, group, organization or individual is strictly forbidden by State law.
- Personal Security Cameras: In areas where there’s a reasonable expectation of privacy, conducting video and audio surveillance is not permitted. Such areas include, but are not limited to, the bathroom and vanity areas of your apartment. Housing may impose further location restrictions where it is believed that the presence of cameras would be inconsistent with community values, the preservation of an environment that encourages free academic and intellectual inquiry, or other important values.
- Sports: No recreational or sporting games in any form are permitted in the buildings, hallways, breezeways, balconies or parking lots (ie. rollerblading, bicycling, ball throwing).
- Vehicle Repairs: Vehicle reconditioning, repair, maintenance (including changing of oil or tires) or washing are not permitted on site. Vehicles deemed inoperable or in repair, by the Department of Residential Education or the University Police Department may be removed at the resident’s expense, 24 hours after a written notice has been placed in a conspicuous place on the vehicle, notifying owner of intent to remove from the University Village community. The parking lot is for wheeled motor vehicles only. The storage of boats, other motorized crafts, and/or trailers of any kind is not permitted.
Residents found responsible for this policy receive no less than housing probation and risk removal from housing.
The following items are prohibited in University Village and on the premises:
- Doorway pull up/chin up bars
- Vertical/weight bearing tension rods
- Construction barriers, street signs, newspaper machines, etc. because these constitute stolen property
- Darts, dart boards, and liquid-filled furniture because of potential damage to the facilities
- Dangerous substances and chemicals including, but not limited to, automobile batteries, gasoline, acids and other dangerous chemicals
- Motorized or Electrical Scooters and Hover boards, because they pose a fire hazard to University Village and are therefore a danger to all residents
- Radio Transmitting Equipment (aerials, masts, and other short wave radio transmitting equipment) is prohibited due to FCC interference regulations and safety precautions
- Seasonal Decorations must be made of a fire retardant material. Live-cut Christmas trees and lights are prohibited because they constitute a fire hazard
Residents found responsible for this policy receive no less than housing probation and risk removal from housing
Throwing, dropping, spraying or hanging any objects from windows and balconies of University Village constitutes a danger to other residents and the facility and is expressly prohibited. Residents that throw, drop, or suspend any object, including but not limited to Frisbees, balls, paper gliders, etc., may be subject to immediate removal from housing.
No furniture, nor electronic equipment, is to be removed from public areas and residential units. Removal of such will be considered disorderly conduct or theft and the person or persons responsible may incur charges for replacement, fines or other resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action and may be removed from University Village.
Driveways, sidewalks, halls, entry passages, stairs and other public areas shall not be obstructed at any time. In addition, any item posted in public viewing areas must be approved by hall staff with an appropriate “approved for posting” stamp. Items on student doors are considered public viewing but do not require a stamp.
Items on student doors, however, should not go beyond the scope of what is considered constitutionally-protected rights of free speech. Items that are otherwise improper will be immediately removed by hall staff and the residents of the room will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
Housing reserves the right to restrict posting of any non-university related signage. Fliers/postings should be dropped off at the front desk of Griffin Hall for approval by the Associate Director of Housing and Residential Education. All non-university related signage must be posted on the community boards in each buildings vestibule. Only Housing and Residential Education staff are permitted to hang any/all signage inside Peregrine or Griffin Hall.
If a resident owns and uses a personal computer, he/she must register the computer through the Information Services on-line registration process at the beginning of every semester. All residents are allowed to register up to five devices. Routing devices are not recommended to be used.
Any devices that provide wireless are also not permitted (such as wireless printers, wireless access points, or wireless routers). We recommend using a switch or connecting your device to the provided wireless networks. Using such devices may, in fact, impede internet connectivity for other residents in The University Village.
Each resident is held to the same IT resource policy that all users of Policy VII.A.4 Acceptable Use of IT Resources and Information Assets. However, in order to provide a positive computing experience for all residents of the University housing data network we monitor use of excessive bandwidth utilization. If a user is found to violate this utilization or is found to have a routing device, the following action will be taken:
- First violation results in an email to the resident addressing his/her offense.
- Second violation results in placing the resident’s device on a blacklist and is referred to the HRE Resident Conduct Process for an official warning and education on the proper use of network resources. Once this is complete, any blacklists will be removed.
- Third violation will result in the loss of ResNet privileges for any devices registered under the users account for an extended period and is referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for further conduct proceedings.
Wireless Routers are not permitted in University Village and will disabled by Housing or IS staff if necessary.
Resources: PWL AUP
It is the policy of the Department of Housing and Residential Education and Purdue University Northwest that convicted sexual offenders shall not reside in the University Village. Any person found to be in violation of this policy will be held in default of his/her housing contract.
All signs, posters or other items must be approved by the Department of Housing and Residential Education administration before they may be posted in any public area. Approved materials must be posted by Housing and Residential Education staff and given to the front desk of Griffin Hall for review.
Purdue University Northwest is a Smoke Free Campus. Smoking is prohibited within the University as well as in or around the University Village Community. Smoking e-cigarettes and hookahs as well as vaping is also not permitted. Any device used to simulate smoking is not permitted in University Village.
Violators may be subject to a smoking fine and resident conduct proceedings. Persistent violations of this policy will result in separation from University Village.
Please note, it is considered a violation of this policy if a room smells like smoke, even if the no other evidence of smoking is found. Students found in violation of this policy will pay an additional cost to have the smoke smell removed from their room/apartment after they move out.
Promotions of any kind, without the prior consent of the Department of Housing and Residential Education administration, will not be permitted in The University Village community or on the premises. Residents are requested to notify staff members of any such activity.
Every resident is expected to comply with the expectations agreed upon within their respective apartment’s Apartment Agreement. Apartment agreements are mandatory for each resident/apartment. Residents are expected to attend all administratively coordinated roommate meetings. Residents who do not attend meetings about roommate agreements as coordinated by staff will be found to be in violation of Failure to Comply and also risk all penalties associated with that violation including removal from housing.
Roommates who fail to attend or do not participate for the entire meeting will be subject to the results of that meeting even if not present. Failure to sign an agreement under these circumstances does not remove their responsibility to conditions outlined in the agreement.
Theft of property or services of Purdue University Northwest, or of any person or business is prohibited. Accepting stolen property or property that is not intended/addressed to the intended resident is considered theft. Residents who are found responsible for theft risk being removed from University Village.
Actions which make the atmosphere objectively intimidating, threatening, or hostile to individuals are regarded as serious offenses. Residents are encouraged to report threatening or intimidating behavior to the staff of the Department of Housing and Residential Education and the University Police Department right away. Abusive behavior, verbal or physical, which demeans, intimidates, threatens, or injures another and is sufficiently severe and/or pervasive to have the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s educational experience, working conditions, or living conditions is subject to University disciplinary sanctions. Such behavior will not be tolerated in the University Village community. Threatening, intimidating, or harassing behavior will be investigated and adjudicated and while doing so, the resident may be temporarily removed from University Village to ensure no further behavior is exhibited on campus. If a resident is found responsible for this type of behavior, the resident will be separated from the University Village community.
All trash from apartments should be placed in parking lot dumpsters provided by the Department of Housing and Residential Education. Trash should not be left in University Village or in any of the common areas, hallways, outside of residential units, or similar places on the premises. Residents should not deposit room or apartment trash (personal trash) in litter receptacles located throughout the facility or grounds since these are intended for litter, not apartment trash or garbage.
Residents should deposit items to be recycled in the appropriately designated recycle receptacles when available. Residents are expected to dispose of trash at least once per week. If a recycling bin is full residents are required to take recycling to the dumpster areas. Recycling/trash should not be left next to any bin that is too full.
Putting trash in recycling only containers is considered improper disposal of trash. A resident who does not properly dispose of trash and or recycling will be charged a fee and risks being removed from University Village.
The unauthorized use of any empty room or vanity area within the University Village community is prohibited. Residents may only utilize the space in which they have been assigned. Guests are not permitted to stay in University Village overnight for more than the nights allotted within the Guest and Visitation policy and will not/should not be given access to an empty room or vanity area.
Violation of this policy will result in an Unauthorized Use of a Room fine to be assessed to the respective resident’s account. If a non-resident is found in violation of this policy, they will be removed instantly and risk being ban from the community by being issued a no trespass order.
Residents are required to report vandalism or room damages to staff members of Housing and Residential Education and/or University Police Department. Staff members will file a police report when/if vandalism is found in or around The University Village. Such behavior will not be tolerated in the University Village community. If a resident is found responsible for this type of behavior, the resident may face being removed from the University Village community as well as be held accountable to pay for the damage caused by the vandalism.
Anyone caught damaging university or residence hall property will be subject to disciplinary sanction, possible legal prosecution, restitution, and may be subject to removal from campus housing.
- Bicycles— Parking and storage of such modes of transportation may only occur in the areas provided for bicycle parking. Bicycles may not be stored in a student’s private bedroom
- Chains or U-bolts should be used to secure bicycles to racks. Bicycles may not be chained to any exterior railings, trees, light poles, or any other structure. Bicycles may be removed from such areas by the Department of Housing and Residential Education and a $25.00 removal fee will be charged to the student responsible for the bicycle. The Department of Housing and Residential Education shall not be liable for damage to or loss of any bicycles.
- Internal Combustion Engines— Motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, or other internal combustion engines cannot be stored inside or adjacent to apartments or buildings.
Possession or use of firearms, explosives (including fireworks), dangerous chemicals or other dangerous weapons or brandishing of any weapon or any other object in a menacing or threatening manner on institutionally controlled property is prohibited. Weapons may be defined as any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury or incapacitate.
Weapons may include but are not limited to: all firearms, pellet guns, stun guns, paintball guns, slingshots, martial arts devices, switchblades, swords, decorative knives and clubs. Any weapons that is found will be confiscated by the Purdue University Northwest Police Department.
Windows shall not be obstructed. The use of foil and other similar materials over windows is not permitted. Residents must keep the top part of their window closed because there is no screen present to keep out bugs. Additionally, residents may not remove the window guards, which prevent their window from opening too high, from their windows. Window screens must remain permanently in place to fulfill their purpose and to avoid loss.
In the event that the resident removes or damages the window screen a charge will be imposed for each offense and resident conduct proceedings / student conduct disciplinary action may be taken. Any resident throwing, placing or hanging anything out of their window may be subject to immediate separation from The University Village community.
In addition to the fines specifically set forth in these rules and regulations, the department of housing and residential education may impose a fine for any violation of these rules and regulations. Any violation of these rules and regulations also constitutes a default under the housing contract and shall entitle the department of housing and residential education to pursue all remedies available to HRE pursuant to said housing contract. The director of housing and residential education’s determination of a violation shall be final.
Emergency Information
Emergency Phone Numbers
- University Police
Mobile Device: 911 | Campus Telephone: 9-911 (EMERGENCY)
1-219-989-2220 (NON-EMERGENCY) - Hammond City Emergency
1-219-853-6490 (NON-EMERGENCY) - Department of Housing and Residential Education
(Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
1-219-989-4150 - University Village Griffin Service Desk
(Daily after 5:00 p.m., during holidays and weekends)
1-219-989-4150 - Purdue University Northwest Hammond Campus Information Desk:
1-219-989-2040 - Suicide Prevention Hotline
Community involvement is the key to any quality Community Oriented Policing Program. Prompt, informative and responsible reporting of criminal incidents and suspicious activity by the community is essential to an effective and efficient response to these incidents. We urge the campus community to contact the University Police if they witness a crime or have been a victim of a crime.
We realize and recognize an individual’s need to remain anonymous. Therefore, you can report criminal incidents and/or suspicious activity anonymously by completing a form on the University Police Web site, or by calling the anonymous hotline at 219-989-2912.
ALERT ME!, PNW’s newly developed text messaging service provides the capability to communicate brief, urgent information /notifications that affect the status of campus operations to students, faculty, staff and the community.
Anyone who wishes to receive ALERT ME! notification can subscribe by completing a form on the ALERT ME! Web site .
Please note — – your cellular provider may charge you for text messages based on your provider-customer agreement. Also, please check with your cellular provider to ensure your phone can receive text messages.
In addition to an initial text message upon subscription and emergency notifications, a test text message will be sent three times a year — at the beginning of each semester — for testing.
For additional information, visit the ALERT ME! Web site Frequently Asked Questions.
The decision to interrupt normal campus operations means either of the following conditions is in effect:
- Classes are Canceled This means that ALL classes scheduled to meet that particular day at both on and off-campus sites have been canceled; but university offices, departments and services remain open. OR
- The University is Closed This means that ALL on and off-campus functions, services, programs and activities are canceled that day. The campus is considered closed to all persons except those assisting in emergency operations. Consequently, all persons except emergency personnel are required to immediately leave the campus. No one will be permitted to return until normal campus operations are resumed.
So that all campus personnel affected can receive the information promptly and accurately, official notification will be handled in the following manner:
- University Home Page
- Radio/TV announcements: WJOB (Hammond, 1230am), WGN (720am), WBBM (780am), WAKE (Valparaiso105.5fm), WZVN (Valparaiso 107fm), WXRD (Valparaiso 103.9fm) and all local Chicago television stations (Channels 2, 5, 7 and 9);
- Information Center: Via voice mail message by phoning extension 2400;
- Automated Emergency Phone Call System: This system will notify regular employees and critical contract operations employees at their home or campus;
- University E-Mail System: Message will be sent general distribution to all employees and students with Purdue University Northwest email accounts;
- Electronic Message Boards: Message will be posted to all;
Suspension/closing of the campus DURING the normal campus day (after 7:30AM) will be communicated by the various emergency notification systems;
Notification to “Resume” normal campus operations will be made by all of the above methods except Radio/TV (Radio/TV typically do not make these type of announcements).
Department / Office | Phone Number |
Academic Affairs | 989-2446 |
Academic Counseling | 989-2366 |
Admissions | 989-2213 |
Bookstore | 989-2322 |
Campus Life & Student Activities | 989-2369 |
Career Services | 989-2600 |
Chancellor, Office of the | 989-2204 |
Computer Lab (Main) | 989-2305 |
Counseling Center | 989-2366 |
Dean Of Students | 989-4141 |
Dining Services (Chartwells) | 989-2629 |
Financial Aid & Student Accounts | 989-2301 |
Fitness/Wellness/Sports | 989-2540 |
Health Center | 989-1235 |
Help Desk (Computers) | 989-2888 (option 2) |
Housing and Residential Education, Department of | 989-4150 |
Information Desk (University) | 989-2040 |
International Affairs Office | 989-2502 |
International Student Services | 989-2082 |
Library | 989-2224 |
New Student Orientation | 989-2369 |
University Police and Safety (Non-Emergency) | 989-2220 |
University Police and Safety (Emergency) | Mobile Device: 911 Campus Telephone: 9-911 |
Hammond Police Department | 9-911 |
Registrar | 989-2210 |
Student Accounts (Financial Aid) | 989-2301 |
Student Affairs, Office of | 989-2367 |
Student Government Association | 989-2394 |
Student Support Services | 989-2727 |
University Village Peregrine Service Desk | 989-8322 |
University Village Griffin Service Desk | 989-4192 |