Changing Students’ Lives Starts With Us

At Purdue University Northwest, our faculty and staff are passionate about helping students succeed.

Through our contributions, we foster academic excellence, relieve financial burdens and enhance opportunities for students—creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends well beyond our campuses.

Investing in the brighter future for all. That’s powering onward.

See How We Can Make a Difference

David Pratt leans against a wall and smiles

David Pratt

associate dean of the CHESS, director of the School of Education and Counseling, and associate professor of Education

David Pratt has poured his heart into mentoring students at all levels during his career, from K-12 settings to college students.

“Making a gift contributes to an ongoing cycle that not only puts funds in different places to reach our students but also inspires others to give back too. Building this belief in giving back makes a difference in realizing dreams and giving people hope, which is essential to Powering Onward.”

Read How David is Changing Students’ Lives

Kara Griffin

Kara Griffin

Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement

Kara Griffin cares deeply about the PNW students we serve every day.

“I donate to our scholarship fund and food pantry because many of our students benefit from those, especially our students who are in need. As the year goes on, I tend to support the different areas where our Institutional Advancement student workers are involved.”

See How Kara is Changing Students’ Lives

Scott Iverson

Scott Iverson

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Housing and Student Life

Scott Iverson has interfaced with college students in their campus life and residential experiences for over 30 years.

“PNW has always gone the extra mile with so many of its services to make sure students are able to get the basic needs met so they can concentrate on school. I want to support PNW’s vision and mission to support our students. I love our students and want them to succeed with as few barriers as possible, and if I can give my time, donations and money to do that, then I will.”

Read How Scott is Changing Students’ Lives

Sandy Steele

Sandy Steele

associate vice chancellor for Enrollment Management

Sandy Steele is passionate about ensuring Purdue University Northwest (PNW) students have a sturdy foundation to Power Onward to their dreams. 

“Giving to PNW helps our students propel past any roadblocks they face and ensures they have the resources to succeed. I am proud to be part of a community that supports one another and invests in the future of education.”

See How Sandy is Changing Students’ Lives

Tom Albano

Senior Associate Athletic Director

Tom Albano is eager to see all student-athletes excel in the classroom and in their sports.

“Making a gift to our students comes from a place of appreciation. It speaks to the type of experience we had as students and the recognition of how PNW positively shaped and changed our lives.”

See How Tom is Changing Students’ Lives

Laura Odom

Laura Odom

executive director of the office of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator

Laura Odom is proud to support Purdue University Northwest students and their academic journeys toward a college degree that positively distinguishes them in their professional careers.

“PNW strives toward providing a quality educational experience to prepare students to Power Onward in their future endeavors. Seeing others succeed because of their positive PNW experience makes my heart happy and confirms my commitment to keep on giving.

See How Laura is Changing Students’ Lives

Faculty and staff donors pose together

Faculty and Staff donors were invited to pick up popcorn, mugs and “I Support PNW” bumper stickers during our first donor appreciation day!

Three Easy Ways to Change Students’ Lives

1. Make a Gift Today

A gift of any amount is an investment in PNW’s students. Support the general scholarship fund—or give where you feel it matters most.

Make a Gift

2. Consider a Payroll Deduction

Establishing monthly support through a payroll deduction or a recurring gift makes giving automatic, building a bedrock of support for student success.

Set up a Payroll Deduction


3. Support PNW This Day of Giving

April 30, 2025

Purdue University Northwest’s annual Day of Giving is an opportunity for the PNW community to come together to create opportunities for PNW students.

Logo: PNW Day of Giving 04/30/25Join us on April 30 as we work together to foster innovative education, relieve financial burdens and enhance opportunities for our students in an effort to create a ripple effect of positive change that will impact our world.

Together, we are changing students’ lives. #PNWDayOfGiving.

Have questions about giving to PNW? Contact our development team.

News and Announcements

Laura Odom

Changing Students’ Lives Starts with Us: Laura Odom

Laura Odom, executive director of the office of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator, is proud to support Purdue University Northwest students and their academic journeys toward a college degree that positively distinguishes them in their professional careers.

Tom Albano Changing Students' Lives Starts with Us photo

Changing Students’ Lives Starts with Us: Tom Albano

Tom Albano, Senior Associate Athletic Director with PNW Pride Athletics, is eager to see all student-athletes excel in the classroom and in their sports.

Sandy Steele

Changing Students’ Lives Starts with Us: Sandy Steele

Sandy Steele, associate vice chancellor for Enrollment Management, is passionate about ensuring Purdue University Northwest (PNW) students have a sturdy foundation to Power Onward to their dreams.