PNW Parking and Fees

Open parking exists for all students in an area not restricted for handicapped parking, staff parking or reserved parking. Parking in handicapped areas is restricted to vehicles that display a valid state-issued placard or plate or a valid temporary handicapped permit issued by the PNW Police Department.

Parking Lot 2 in Westville

Employee Parking Policy

Fees for parking at Purdue University Northwest will be consistent, and reciprocal. All current fees will remain the same with the exception of the reserved parking fee which will be increased to $450.00.

“Free Parking” will no longer exist at the Westville campus. Free parking has not been available at the Hammond campus for several years. Any benefit-eligible employee using campus lots must pay for parking.  Options include Hammond campus preferred or basic parking, and “B” lots or “A” preferred parking at the Westville campus.

Parking fees must be paid through payroll deduction. “A” permit hang tags may be obtained from the PNW Police Department and are honored on both PNW campuses as well as specified parking areas on the West Lafayette campus.

The parking fees for Purdue University Northwest are as follows:

Type of ParkingPayment ScheduleParking Fee
Basic ParkingMonthly Pay Reduction
$12.50 – 12 Pays ($150 / year)
Bi-Weekly Pay Reduction$5.77 – 26 Pays ($150 / year)
Preferred ParkingMonthly Pay Reduction
$15.00 – 12 Pays ($180 / year)
Bi-Weekly Pay Reduction$6.93 – 26 Pays ($180 / year)
Reserved ParkingMonthly Pay Reduction$37.50 – 12 pays ($450 / year)

Non-benefit-eligible employees, third-shift staff, those assigned to the Gabis Arboretum and employees issued a state-accessibility placard or plate are exempt from paying parking fees

Staff Reciprocity

Staff or Reserved Access Permit holders at Purdue University Northwest with a hanging permit may park in any staff parking area on all Purdue University campuses and in staff parking areas at Indiana University Northwest. Those who wish to park at Purdue West Lafayette may park in any spaces posted for A-B and C parking lots.

Faculty & Staff Parking Forms