Completing Loan Exit Counseling

The tutorial below will assist you with completing loan exit counseling, which is required for students who borrowed a Federal Direct Loan and graduate, leave school or are enrolled less than half-time (one to five credit hours for undergraduates and one to three credit hours for  graduate level).

  1. Go to
  2. Click the blue “Log In” button
  3. Enter your Username and Password (your FSA ID)
  4. Read the “Warning” information and click on “Accept”
  5. Hover over the “Complete Aid Process” dropdown and click on “Complete Entrance Counseling”
  6. Read the information including “What do I need?” and then click on “Start”
  7. Select INDIANA under “Choose a State” and
    1. Search for PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST by name
      Enter Purdue University Northwest for either the Hammond or Westville campus
    2. Click on “Notify this School”
  8. Click on the “Continue” button
  9. The Counseling Session consists of 5 sections: Understand Your Loans, Plan to Repay, Avoid Default, Finances: A Priority and Repayment Information
    1. Read the information on each page.
    2. Answer the “Check Your Knowledge” questions in each section.
    3. The correct answer will be displayed for you.
    4. Once all questions are answered on the page, click the “Continue” button.
    5. You can monitor your progress at the top of the screen.
  10. Once completed click on “Submit Counseling”
    1. Note: Your loan exit counseling is not complete unless you click “Submit Counseling”
  11. This will take you to the Exit Counseling Summary and you will receive a confirmation of successful completion. You can print a copy of your Exit Counseling Summary.
  12. Click “Logout” to finish your session.