Final Exam Support

PNW Testing Centers Hours and Submission Info
Dear faculty,
As we prepare for final exams, the PNW Testing Centers are here to help! The testing centers at both Hammond and Westville will be open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., December 9 to 12, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on December 13. Please plan to submit your exam information via RegisterBlast by Wednesday, November 27.
The Testing Centers offer both paper- and computer-based exams and can test an entire class or provide makeup exams as needed. We offer cohort (same date/time) testing or duration (exam over a day/days) testing, though duration testing is preferred to better manage capacity during this high-volume week.
Cohort testing will be subject to availability as some timeslots are already booked. We have 98 seats in Hammond and 100 seats in Westville, but we fill quickly for finals week.
The testing centers proctor your exams in secure settings with in-person proctoring, screen monitoring and camera surveillance. Contact us via email or phone for help or with questions.
SULB, Room 318
(219) 989-2504
TECH, Room 265
(219) 785-5326
Need Help with Exam Design or Settings?
Connect with Digital Learning Solutions, formerly the Office of Instructional Technology, for assistance with exam design, reporting, quiz submission views and Brightspace settings.
Thank you.
Jan Gonzalez, MST
Director, Testing Services Centers