Senate Documents

  • February 8, 2019

    FSD 18-10 Rebuttal Letters Timeline

    PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST FACULTY SENATE Timeline for Rebuttal Letters in Promotion and Tenure Process Submission Date: 2/8/19                                                                           Faculty Senate Document 18-10 Executive Committee For Information Whereas: The current promotion and tenure process […]

  • February 8, 2019

    FSD 18-12 Ad Hoc Committee For Study of Westville

    PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST FACULTY SENATE Creation  of Ad Hoc Committee to study Facility Utilization and Programs on the Westville Campus Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Document 18-12 Submission […]

  • February 8, 2019

    FSD 18-14 Unconditional International Admissions Standards

    PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST FACULTY SENATE Resolution on Unconditional International Undergraduate Admissions Standards for Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate Document 18-14 For discussion: 2/8/19 Moved to action: 2/8/19 Approved: 2/8/19 WHEREAS, […]

  • January 11, 2019

    FSD 18-08 Curriculog Acceptance

    PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST FACULTY SENATE Curriculog Acceptance Submission Date: 12/14/18                                                                       Faculty Senate Document 18-08 The Senate Faculty Curriculum Committee For Discussion: 1/11/19 Moved to Action: 1/11/19 Approved: 1/11/19 Whereas: PNW has not […]

  • January 11, 2019

    FSD 18-09 General Education Course List Update 2018-2019

    Faculty Senate Document 18-09 General Education Course List Update for Academic Year 2018–2019 TO:  Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate FROM:  General Education and Assessment Steering Committee For Discussion: 1/11/19 Moved […]

  • January 11, 2019

    FSD 18-11 Grades Submission Deadline

    PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST FACULTY SENATE Deadline for Submission of Course Grades Submission Date: 2/8/19                                                                           Faculty Senate Document 18-11 Executive Committee For Information Whereas: The Academic Calendar and the date for grades being […]

  • January 11, 2019

    FSD 18-07 Multi-Semester Scheduling

    FSD 18-07– Multi-Semester Class Schedule Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Document Submission Date: (Student Affairs Committee) 11/5/2018 Senate Action and Date: For Discussion: 12/14/18 Approved: 1/11/19 Whereas:Many of […]

  • December 20, 2018

    CES 17-03 REV COURSE ECE 42900

    Purdue Northwest Curriculum Document Program Name: [one_half_first] Document No: CES 17-03 REV COURSE ECE 42900 Proposed Effective Date: Fall Semester 2018 Submitting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, […]

  • December 14, 2018

    FSD 18-06 Resolution to Join AAUP in Opposing Purdue Global Practices

    PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST FACULTY SENATE Resolution to Join AAUP in Opposing Purdue Global Practices Submission Date: 11/05/2018 Action Date: 12/14/18 Approved Faculty Senate Document 18-06 WHEREAS, both the AAUP and […]