FSD 17-36 – Resolution on Summer Scheduling

May 4, 2018

Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Document 17-36

Submission Date: April 17, 2018 (The Executive Committee)

Senate Action and Date:

For Discussion, May 4, 2018

Whereas, the Purdue system has a long-standing precedent of awarding summer teaching assignments based on rank and seniority; and

Whereas, some academic units within PNW have agreements to honor rank and seniority in assigning summer teaching assignments and is an indication of institutional support for such policies; and

Whereas, the Faculty Grievance Procedures states under the “Statement of Policy” that “…administrators must work together in a respectful and collegial manner” and respecting a faculty members long tenure and rank falls into the area of “respectful and collegial”; and

Whereas, faculty have the assumption of fairness in summer teaching assignments; and

Whereas, it is generally held that tenured faculty are the preferred instructor in courses, both for accreditation and quality instruction; and

Whereas, the Purdue Statement of integrity and Code of Conduct states, “At Purdue, integrity is indispensable to our mission. We act with honesty and adhere to the highest standards of moral and ethical values and principles through our personal and professional behavior. We demonstrate our understanding of these values and principles and uphold them in every action and decision. Trust and trustworthiness go hand in hand with how we conduct ourselves, as we sustain a culture that is based upon ethical conduct. We expect our actions to be consistent with our words, and our words to be consistent with our intentions. We accept our responsibilities, share leadership in a democratic spirit…” , therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Faculty Senate of Purdue University Northwest supports academic units considering faculty seniority and rank when assigning faculty summer teaching assignments.


  • D. Detmer
  • A. Elmendorf
  • D. Nalbone
  • G. Schultz
  • K. Scipes
  • F. Wang
  • D. Whitten
  • D. Wilbur


  • P. Hecht


  • None


  • J. Pula