Return to Normal Operations on Jan. 22

Both Hammond and Westville campuses will return to normal operations on Wednesday, January 22.

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Faculty Senate Minutes – Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017

SUL 360, Alumni Hall, Hammond Campus

Voting Members Present:

A. Angriawan, C. Boiarsky, C.V. Chandramouli, B. Chen, D. Detmer, J. Duzinkiewicz, T. Elmendorf, M. Fathizadeh, J. Garwood, P. Hecht, E. James, A. Kokalov, J. Kuhn, Y. Lee, L. Pelter, J. Pula, V. Quinn, S. Rezak, C. Roper, P. Rose, R. Rupp, G. Schultz, K. Scipes, S. Sil, S. Smithson, J. Thomas, E. Weber, D. Whitten, D. Wilbur, N. Zeytinoglu.

Voting Members Absent:

R. Brusca-Vega, T. Dobrowski, J. Hack, G. Jin, S. Nakayama, J. Spores, L. Tan, A. Trekles, F. Wang.

Non-voting Members Present:


Others present:

R. Allan, A. Bino, C. Buchmeier, S. Lerner, W. Lukoshus, N. Nemeth, P. Riesmeyer, H. Saporiti, J. Swarts, M. Watson

  1. Determination of quorumA quorum was declared at 1:05 P.M.
  2. Call to OrderThe meeting was called to order by Chair D. Wilbur.
  3. Approval of the AgendaThe agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote.
  4. Unfinished BusinessNone.
  5. New Business
    1. Senate Documents For ActionFSD 16-16: CEP Compliance with PNW Faculty (Executive Committee)

      Motion to move document to action, R. Rupp seconded; unanimously passed by voice vote. Motion to approve document, C. Roper seconded.

      J. Duzinkiewicz would like have deleted the entire concluding sentence giving “highly motivated” CEP teachers ore time to complete their training. T. Elmendorf stated that we need to allow a certain amount of wiggle room with our relations with school boards. Our deadline is more stringent than the deadline from HLC. G. Schultz added that starting September 1, 2017 through 2018, we will start enforcing the guidelines. R. Rupp thanked Geoff and Dan for this document. P. Rose was concerned if discussions have taken place with the high school instructors and this qualification deadline. There were workshops last year at the Westville camps for the high school instructors and they were informed of the deadlines. R. Roper stated that K-12 teachers used to get a pay increase for obtaining a Master’s degree, but that no longer happens. There is no real incentive for teachers to advance their degrees. J. Duzinkiewicz retracts his statement and the provision is fine. J. Thomas asked about what qualifies for 75% completion. G. Schultz said it was based on the 18 cr. and the master’s degree is based on content area. C. Boiarksy stated that the younger teachers are working to get the master’s courses needed. S. Lerner questioned what rubric would qualify. J. Swartz stated the test provision teaching experience is not enough to qualify. R. Rupp motioned, G. Schultz seconded. Clicker vote, the document passed 31-0

      FSD 16-02: Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Executive Committee)

      G. Schultz motioned to remove this document from being tabled, M. Block seconded; unanimously passed. G. Schultz asked if this is a standing committee and suggested call it “other” committee. The Chancellor and Provost have had meetings as to how the membership should look. Right now, there is equal staff, faculty and student representation. Senate will have input as well as input from the Chancellor. G. Schultz motioned to approve, T. Elmendorf seconded.

      V. Quinn questioned who is The Senior Women’s Administrator. Jennifer Madgiak will fill that role. T. Elmendorf said the Academic Compliance Officer of Athletics and the Senior Women’s Administrator are the same person. R. Allan clarified that Cheryl Arroyo will be the Academic Compliance Officer. P. Hecht circulated his suggestion to Executive Committee, calling this a Chancellor’s Committee. T. Elmendorf said it’s proper to review the bylaws. E. James agreed to call it a Chancellor Committee. P. Hecht motioned to amend with his suggestion, unknown faculty seconded. E. Weber had questions about the Chancellor choosing membership. D. Wilbur wanted clarification on the year this begins as the document states 2017-2018, but are we to wait that long? G. Schultz motioned, R. Rupp seconded. Clicker vote, the document passed 29-2.

      FSD 16-12: Faculty Certifying Attendance (Student Affairs)

      This document is in compliance with Federal regulations. The Hammond campus did this last year. VC Panlilio and Cheryl Arroyro are not here to comment on the urgency of this document. S. Lerner stated that if this was done last year, it should continue this year. J. Duzinkiewicz commented that the Westville campus used to certify the attendance. J. Pula said it’s important for all these announcements go out to the faculty. R. Allan commented that Cheryl Arroyo will be sending the information regarding class participation. Motion to move this document to action, R. Rupp seconded; unanimously passed by voice vote. T. Elmendorf motioned to approve, seconded. We’re already in the second week of classes, so how accurate is the attendance. Document unanimously passed by voice vote.

    2. Senate Documents for DiscussionFSD 16-13, Absence for Military Service (Student Affairs)

      T. Elmendorf stated that this policy was practiced at the Westville campus, but not at the Hammond campus. This current document copies the Westville policy. J. Duzinkiewicz asked if there is an amount of time the students need to complete before the get an incomplete. R. Allan said that after the 12th week, the student can get partial credit. J. Pula said this should be up to the instructor. S. Lerner asked if we still give credit by examination and we do. Can a course be completed by exam? R. Allan said only if they were not officially enrolled in that course. R. Rupp asked where the mileage statement came from. J. Duzinkiewicz stated this came from West Lafayette University Senate document, so it’s a Purdue System policy. J. Duzinkiewicz asked if the administration would consider giving a full refund for military serving their country. R. Allan stated that they will work with the student for the best course of action and have dialogue.

  6. Documents and Reports for InformationNone
  7. Remarks by the Representative(s) of the Student Government(s)None
  8. Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representative(s)None
  9. Open DiscussionJ. Duzinkiewicz says the shuttle bus service has been excellent with one exception. The bus driver refused to take anyone on board because his boss says he needed to go out of town. Professor Duzinkiewicz was asked to inform Brian Miller of this happening.

    J. Pula suggested that we have a real computer to bring up documents so we can view them in real time and see corrections that have been made/suggested. Pending documents will be in the R drive for viewing.

  10. AdjournmentD. Wilbur motioned to adjourn, R. Rupp seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:01 pm.