Faculty Senate Agenda, May 3, 2024

June 7, 2024

Faculty Senate Agenda, May 3, 2024

10:00 AM-12:00 PM: Westville – LSF 002


  1. Determination of quorum.
  2. Call to order.
  3. Approval of the agenda.
  4. Approval of the minutes from April 12, 2024
  5. Remarks by the Senate Chair
  6. Remarks by the Chancellor
  7. Remarks by the Provost/VCAA
  8. Unfinished Business
    • none
  9. New Business:
    • Curriculum Documents Approval
      The following proposals can be accessed at curriculog.com
  10. Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
  11. EDCI – 32800 – Teaching Writing in P-6 Classrooms
  12. EDCI – 41100 – Professional Year Special Education Practicum
  13. HSCI – 40000 – Blood Bank
  14. HSCI – 40000 – Clinical Immunology
  15. HSCI – 40000 – Hematology and Coagulation
  16. HSCI – 40000 – Laboratory Operations
  17. HSCI – 40000 – Phlebotomy
  18. Liberal Studies, BLS
  19. Sales Engineering Minor
    • Discussion of dissemination of FAC survey results
  20. For Action:
    • FSD 23-11 Guidance on use of AI in Teaching and Learning
  21. Discussion Items:
    • FSD 23-12 Senate Budget Subcommittee Membership
  22. Reports from Senate Standing Committee Chairs
    • Curriculum (Lee Artz)
    • Ed Policy (Dave Kozel)
    • Faculty Affairs (Rob Hallock)
    • Gen Ed & Assessment (Ali Alavizadeh)
    • Nominations, Elections, & Awards (Meden Isaac-Lam)
    • Student Affairs (Michelle Spaulding)
  23. West Lafayette Report (Lee Artz)
  24. IFC Report (Geoffrey Barrow)
  25. SGA Report (David Bolton)
  26. Open discussion (as time permits).
  27. Adjournment