Faculty Senate Agenda, April 8, 2022

April 8, 2022

Faculty Senate Agenda, April 8, 2022

10:00 AM-12:00 PM       Zoom Link


  1. Determination of Quorum.
  2. Call to Order.
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Minutes from March 11, 2022.
  5. Remarks by the Senate Chair (K. Scipes)
    • Memorial for Lynda Willer
  6. Remarks by the Chancellor (T. Keon)
  7. Unfinished Business
    • New Senators update (T. Elmendorf)
  8. New Business
    • Senate Documents for Action
      1. Excused Absence Amendment (K. Kincaid)
    • Senate Documents for Discussion:
      1. Courses Slated for Removal (D. Pratt)
      2. Resolution for Experiential Learning Committee (D. Pratt)
      3. Resolution on Incomplete Policy (A. Edwards)
      4. Proposal for an ad hoc Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging (DEIJB) Sub-Committee of the Faculty Affairs Committee of the PNW Faculty Senate (T. Sindone)
    • Documents and Reports for Information
      1. Nomination and election of representatives to the Academic Program Review Peer Review Corps (T. Elmendorf)
      2. Vice Chair Elections (T. Elmendorf)
        1. Overview of process
        2. Speeches by candidates [5 minutes per candidate]
      3. Reports from Senate Standing Committee Chairs
        1. Student Affairs Committee (K. Kincaid)
          1. Student of the Month
          2. Athletic Fitness
        2. Report from Westville Committee (V. Quinn or T. Sindone)
      4. Report from SGA (M. Cook)
      5. Report from West Lafayette/IFC representative (V. Quinn/C. Morrow)
      6. Open discussion (as time permits).
      7. Adjournment