FSD 19-10 Duration of Criteria for Promotion and Tenure

February 27, 2020

PNW Faculty Senate

Duration of Criteria for Promotion and Tenure

Faculty Affairs Committee

FSD 19-10

For Discussion: 11/8/19

Whereas: To maintain consistency of promotion and tenure criteria at the university, college, and departmental or school levels for faculty hired in a tenure-track position without tenure;

Be it resolved that criteria in effect at the time of initial employment in a tenure-track position remains in effect for new hires throughout the duration of their first promotion and tenure application and that the PNW Promotion and Tenure Guidelines be amended to reflect this change.


Rita Brusca-Vega, Chair

Michael Connolly

Marianne Curia

Omer Farook

Colette Morrow

Neeti Parashar

Vanessa Quinn

Geoff Schultz


Not Approved
