FSD 19-02 Membership of Standing Committees 2019-2020
Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Document 19-02
Membership of Standing Committees, 2019-2020
Submission Date: 8/16/19 (Nominations Committee)
For Action: 8/23/19
Whereas: The Constitution of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest, which has been formally ratified by the Board of Trustees, establishes the Purdue University Northwest Senate as “the governing body of the Faculty” (Section II), and
Whereas: The Constitution establishes that the Senate shall create the standing committees needed to exercise its general powers, responsibilities, and duties (Section V. Operation of the Senate)
Be it resolved: The Purdue Northwest Faculty Senate’s Nominating Committee proposes the enclosed list of senators for the Standing Committees based on a preference survey administrated by the Nominating Committee.
A. Alavizadeh
A. Mitra