FSD 18-04 Revision of Bylaws, Vacancy of Officers

November 9, 2019


Revision of the Bylaws for the Case of a Vacancy for any Officer of the Senate

Faculty Senate Document 18-04

Submission Date: 10/12/18

Approved Date: 11/9/18

The Executive Committee

Whereas: The current version of the Bylaws makes no allowance for an unexpected vacancy in office of any of the Officers of the Senate, those being the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary, and the Parliamentarian, and

Whereas:It behooves the Senate to have procedures in place to replace an officer should an unexpected vacancy occur,

Be it resolved:The Bylaws shall be amended as follows:

An additional Section III.B.3.g shall be added to III.B.3, “Officers of the Senate.”  It shall read as follows:

  1. Vacancies in office of any of the officers.
  2. Should the office of the Chair of the Senate become vacant during the Fall semester, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair, and serve out the remainder of the term. The Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair from among its members at its first meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of the Chair.The new Vice-Chair will become Chair the following Fall, according to the normal procedures laid out in Bylaws III.B.3.b, and a Vice-Chair Elect shall be elected in April, as in Bylaws III.B.3.a.
  1. Should the office of the Chair of the Senate become vacant during the Spring semester, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair, and serve as Chair for the remainder of the semester and for the following academic year.The Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair from among its members at its first meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of the Chair.  The new Vice-Chair shall serve for the remainder of the semester and for the following academic year.  No election of Vice-Chair Elect shall take place until the following academic year.

iii.  Should the office of the Vice-Chair become vacant for any reason other than the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair at the next meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy.

  1. Any vacancies in the offices of Secretary or Parliamentarian shall be filled by appointment by the Chair.
  2. Any vacancy in office of an officer of the Senate not considered by this section shall be filled by action of the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Senate.

Be it further resolved:Section III.B.3.a.i shall be amended to read as follows, to include the additional wording in italics:

In April of each year the sitting members of the Senate shall elect a Vice-Chair Elect of the Senate from among the members of the sitting Senate, except in the situation specified in Section III.B.3.g.ii below.


  1. Brandon
  2. Detmer (Chair)
  3. Elmendorf (Vice-Chair)
  4. Pelter
  5. Quinn
  6. Scipes
  7. Sindone




  1. Smith
  2. Vega