Faculty Senate Agenda, September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018
Location & Time
10:00 A.M., Portage Meeting Facility Room 113
- Determination of Quorum
- Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of the August 24, 2018 meeting
- Remarks by the Senate Chair (D. Detmer)
- Remarks by the Chancellor (T. Keon)
- Remarks by Invited Guests
- Heather Zamojski
- Janice Tazbir
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Senate Documents for action
- FSD 17-32 – Grade Notification (A. Sindone, Student Affairs Committee)
- FSD 17-35 – Active-Shooter Video (A. Sindone, Student Affairs Committee)
- Senate Documents for discussion
- FSD 18-01 – Academic Task Force Resolution (D. Detmer, Executive Committee; see attached file)
- Senate Documents for action
- Remarks by Student Government Representative (Riley Owens, SGA President)
- Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representatives (J. Pula)
- Open Discussion (if time permits)
- Adjournment
- Committee Room Assignments
- Student Affairs – Dune Room
- Gen Ed/Assessment – Foyer
- Curriculum – PMF 104
- Ed Policy – PMF 106
- Faculty Affairs – PMF 113
- Nominations – PMF 113