Faculty Senate Agenda August 24, 2018

August 24, 2018

Location & Time

10:00 A.M., Portage Meeting Facility Room 113

  1. Selection of Committee Chairs (10:00 to 10:30 am)
  2. Senate Meeting Agenda
    1. Determination of Quorum
    2. Call to Order
    3. Approval of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Minutes of the May 4, 2018 meeting.
    5. Remarks by the Senate Chair (D. Detmer)
    6. Remarks by Chancellor (T. Keon)
    7. Remarks by VCAA/Provost (R. Mueller)
      1. SRA-Senate Presentation 8-24-18
    8. Curriculog (D. Whitten)
      1. Web Procedures for Approval of PNW Curriculum Documents-Curriculog 6 13 18
      2. Faculty Senate Management of Curriculog 6 13 18
      3. Degree Requirements Paper Template 2018
      4. Curriculog Checklist 8 with x
  3. New  and Old Business
    1. Election of Senators/Balancing Terms (T. Elmendorf, Senate VC)
    2. FSD 17-03 – Update on Reimbursement of Academic Units (Executive Committee)
    3. Update from Ad Hoc Committee – Faculty Feedback on Academic Leadership (R. Vega, Faculty Affairs)
    4. Merit Pay Questions (Executive Committee)
    5. Senate Documents – Discussion Only
      1. FSD 17-32 – Grade Notification (Discussion; T. Elmendorf, Senate VC)
      2. FSD 17-35 – Active-Shooter Video (Discussion; T. Elmendorf, Senate VC)
  4. Remarks by Student Government Representative (TBA, SGA)
  5. Remarks by University Senator/IFC Representative (J. Pula)
  6. Open Discussion (if time permits)
  7. Adjournment

Committee Room Assignments

  • Assessment – Foyer Room
  • Curriculum – PMF 106
  • Education Policy – PMF 113
  • Faculty Affairs – PMF 113
  • General Education – PMF 113
  • Student Affairs – PMF 104