FSD 17-33 – Graduate Curriculum Requests

May 2, 2018

Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Document 17-33

Submission Date: May 2, 2018 (Executive)

Senate Action and Date:

For Information, May 4, 2018

    1. Pending Course Requests for PWL Grad Council Approval
      1. NUR 62401 Evidence Based Practice Concepts and Processes for Advanced Nursing
      2. NUR 67301 Health Policy Residency for DNPs
      3. NUR 67701 DNP Practice Inquiry 1: Knowledge Translation
      4. NUR 67702 DNP Practice Inquiry II: Knowledge Translation
      5. HIST 59000 Directed Reading in History (Add distance)
      6. MGMT 66800 International Business Practicum
      7. MGMT 52800 Econ for Managers
      8. MGMT 66600 International Business
      9. ITS 57000 Principles of Computer Networks and Communications
      10. ITS 55300 Software Security and Programming
      11. CDFS 64400 Trauma and Recovery in Family Therapy
      12. CDFS 65100 Administration of Social Service Not-for-Profit Agencies
      13. CE 52910 Matrix Analysis of Structures
      14. CE 54810 Theory of Plates and Shells
      15. CE 53400 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
    2. Approved Courses
      1. CDFS 64300 Children in Family Therapy
      2. CDFS 64600 Contemporary Issues in Family Therapy
    1. Graduate Certificate Requests Pending Before WL Grad Council
    2. Approved Graduate Certificate Requests
    1. Requests for Administrative Approval of Other Curriculum Requests
      Combined Degree (4+1) proposal for Mechanical Engineering (BSE/MSME)
      Combined Degree (4+1) proposal for Electrical and Computer Engineering (BS/MSECE/MSE)
      Combined Degree (4+1) proposal for Technology
    2. Approved Other Curriculum Requests
      MBA Plan of Study change
    1. Pending Before PNW Grad Council
      None—all have moved to PWL
      Concentration and Graduate Certificate requests pending before PNW Grad Council None