FSD 17-18 Institute a Faculty Convocation
January 26, 2018
Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Document 17-18
Submission Date: 1/26/2018 (Faculty Affairs)
Senate Action and Date:
- For Discussion, 2/9/2018; (meeting canceled)
- For Discussion, 3/9/2018;
Whereas, a Faculty Convocation is considered a traditional academic celebration at the beginning of an academic year, and
Whereas, Purdue University Calumet and Purdue University North Central held Faculty Convocations prior to the unification of the two campuses, and
Whereas, a Faculty Convocation provides an opportunity to celebrate faculty achievements, and
Whereas, a Faculty Convocation provides an opportunity for faculty to ask questions related to the state of the University, therefore, be it
Resolved, that a Faculty Convocation shall be instituted by the Faculty Senate at the beginning of each academic year starting with fall 2018.