FSD 16-35 Promotion and Tenure Provost Meeting Request

April 28, 2017

Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Document 16-35

Submission Date: 4/28/2017 (Faculty Affairs)

Senate Action and Date:

  • For Discussion, 5/5/2017;
  • Moved to Action, 5/5/2017;
  • Approved, 5/5/2017

Promotion and Tenure Provost Meeting Request

Whereas, the faculty of Purdue University Northwest are deeply concerned with the equity and integrity of the promotion and tenure process; and

Whereas, Article III.A of the Constitution of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest states that “The Faculty shall have the general power and responsibility to adopt policies, regulations, and procedures needed to achieve the educational objectives of Purdue University Northwest and promote the general welfare of those involved in Purdue University Northwest’s educational processes,” therefore,

Be it Resolved, that the Faculty Senate requests that the Provost of Purdue University Northwest convene a meeting as soon after the return of the faculty in August of each year as possible with all deans, all heads of departments in which someone has applied for promotion or tenure, all promotion and tenure committee chairs from the various levels, and as many of the committee members of all levels as possible for the purpose of reviewing the promotion and tenure policies and procedures to ensure equity for all candidates; and, be it further

Resolved, that the Provost coordinate this meeting with the Faculty Affairs Committee of the Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate to ensure that both faculty and administrators are in agreement on the implementation of these promotion and tenure policies and procedures.


  • Michelle Block
  • Carolyn Boiarsky
  • Rita Brusca-Vega
  • James Pula
  • Vanessa Quinn
  • Staci Trekles
  • Nuri Zeytinoglu


  • None


  • None