FSD-16-22 Student Representative Constitutional Amendment
Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Document 16-22
Submission Date: 3/10/2017 (Student Affairs)
Senate Action and Date:
- For Discussion, 3/10/2017;
- For Action, 4/14/2017;
- Approved, 4/14/2017;
The Student Affairs Committee recommends the approval of the following amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest.
Add the following item 5 at the end of Section IV-A, describing the membership of the Senate:
- The President of the University Student Government, or representative of the Student Government if the President is not available. The Student Government representative shall serve with vote.
The Student Government representative served with vote on the Purdue Calumet Senate, although not on the Purdue North Central Senate. The Student Affairs Committee feels that it is a sign of respect to our students and their governing body to give them a vote on the Senate, as has become customary at many universities in the last 50 years. It will also give the Student Government representative the message that their work is valued by the Senate, and their voice is important to the Senate.
- Elmendorf, Chair
- Fathizadeh
- Jackubowski, SGA
- James
- Kuhn
- Rezak
- Spores
- Sida Diaz, SGA
- Tan