Exercise is Medicine Month at Purdue University Northwest

October 3, 2023
Students get ready to lift weights

The Purdue University Northwest campuses have been recognized through the American College of Sports Medicine as promoting Exercise is Medicine® (EIM) On Campus since 2021.

In 2023, PNW was recognized as an EIM Silver Campus due to the upcoming Exercise is Medicine® month and because we now have the Center for Health Living wellness clinic on campus. The EIM On Campus leadership team in 2023 includes John Durocher, Jodi Allen, Tabitha Stills, Bridget Durocher, and Emma Miley.

The primary goals of the EIM according to the ACSM are “making movement a part of the daily campus culture” and “providing students with the tools necessary to strengthen healthy physical activity habits that can last a lifetime.”

I would like to declare October as Exercise is Medicine® month at Purdue University Northwest.

John J. Durocher, Nils K. Nelson Professor of Integrative Human Health

PNW placeholder image

A specific objective of EIM On Campus is for current and future healthcare professionals to recognize physical activity as a vital sign, which can start with two simple questions: 1) how many days a week a person engages in moderate to strenuous exercise, and 2) on average how many minutes a person engages in exercise at that intensity?

Physical activity and exercise are linked to numerous positive health outcomes and are known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension and type II diabetes. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, moderate-intensity exercise has curative and protective health benefits and is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

When considering these extensive benefits, I would like to declare October as Exercise is Medicine® month at Purdue University Northwest

John J. Durocher

Nils K. Nelson Professor of Integrative Human Health

Upcoming Events

See the Official Exercise is Medicine® On Campus Page

Healthy Eating for Physically Active Adults

Wednesday, October 4 | Noon to 1 p.m.

Nils Room 240 (Conference Room)

Professor Ezra Mutai dives into how diet choices complement a fulfilling active lifestyle. Please join us for practical dietary strategies.

Introduction to Mountain Biking

Saturday, October 7 | 10 A.M. to noon

Creekside Park, 2355 Clifford Rd. Valparaiso

John Durocher, professor of Integrative Human Health, and the PNW Cycling Club will lead a group ride and tips for safe and enjoyable mountain biking. Please bring your mountain bike, helmet, and water bottle. Please prepare for the cooler weather forecast for Saturday. Bikes can be rented on-site from the Trailyard Outpost.

The Miracle Drug: Exercise to Improve Physical Health

Thursday, October 12 | 11 A.M. to noon

Gyte 007E

Hassan Naji, Assistant Professor of Practice in Integrative Human Health, expands on the many physical benefits of regular physical activity.

Mountain Biking at Creekside

Saturday, October 21 | 10 A.M. to Noon

Creekside Park, 2355 Clifford Rd. Valparaiso

John Durocher, professor of Integrative Human Health, and the PNW Cycling Club will lead a group ride and tips for safe and enjoyable mountain biking.

Maximizing Squat Technique

Monday October 30 | Noon to 1 p.m.

Fitness and Recreation Center (Hammond)

Physical therapist Joshua James details common pitfalls with squat technique and how to maximize efficacy with this common lift. Please wear comfortable clothing.

The Miracle Drug: Exercise to Improve Mental Health Rescheduled

Thursday, November 2 | 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Gyte 008 (Hammond)

Matt Ladwig, Assistant Professor of Integrative Human Health, builds on the previous “Miracle Drug” seminar by reviewing the impact of exercise on psychological health. In particular, this seminar focuses on the effects of exercise on depression and cognitive function.

More events to be added throughout October, please check back soon for more details.