4 events found.
Student Life Highlights
All Day
Intramural Bench Press Challenge XXI
PNW Hammond, Fitness and Recreation Center (FRC) 2320 173rd St., HammondWe're inviting all PNW staff, students, faculty and fitness center members to challenge yourselves to become our Bench Press Champion!
COB vs CHESS Bags Toss Tournament
The College of Business and CHESS department are partnering for the PNW Day of Giving in an iconic bag toss tournament!
Study Chill Jam
Join us for a dedicated study session. We'll be providing the snacks, music and vibes. All you have to do is bring your study materials. Finish strong!
Silent Beauty Film Screening
Student Union Library Building (SULB) 2233 173rd St., HammondSilent Beauty (2022), an autobiographical exploration of a woman's story as a victim of child sexual assault as she searches for healing.