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Lunch and Lead: Mentorship and Sponsorship with Chareice White

In this month's Lunch and Lead, Chareice White will discuss both mentors and sponsors, the difference between the two, and how each have played a role in her career. She is the Regional Business Development Officer for Community Investment Fund of Indiana.

Lunch and Lead: Youth Innovation with Don Wettrick

This month's guest is working with high school students across the state of Indiana, presenting them with opportunities to explore entrepreneurship as a way to prepare them for an uncertain future.

2023 Northwest Indiana Women’s Leadership & Innovation Summit (Sold Out!)

Now in its second year, the Women’s Leadership and Innovation Summit brings together 250 diverse women leaders each fall for inspiring presentations and panel-style conversations, with a focus on authentic leadership, innovation knowledge, the power of networking, and personal empowerment.

Lunch and Lead: Lead with YOUR Voice

Sit down with two rising Northwest Indiana leaders, Amber Mckinstry and Faith Spencer, to uncover your leadership voice by being authentic.