Join Yu Ouyang, PNW’s assistant professor of political science for a discussion on The Biden Administration: Campaign Promises and an Initial Assessment.
Join us for an insightful and engaging conversation with Jaime Casap, former Google Education Evangelist, who will share his own experiences as a first-generation college student.
Gibson Cima, Ph.D., assistant professor of theatre history from Northern Illinois University School of Theatre and Dance joins host Thomas J. Roach, Ph.D. on Lakeshore PBS.
Rhon Teruelle, Ph.D., assistant professor of mass communication and social media at Purdue University Northwest joins host Thomas J. Roach, Ph.D. on Lakeshore PBS.
PNW professor Mita Choudhury will provide a historical overview of systemic racism, institutional bias and prejudice, and the weak guard rails of "western civilization."
Join PNW scholars and community experts for a series of conversations exploring the post-COVID world and our opportunity for reinvention. What does social media look like in a post-COVID world?