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Women in Government Leadership Panel

Join members of the Student Government Association to talk about the importance of representation in government as well as some of the challenges still being overcome by the strong and impactful female members of SGA.

Assert Yourself Webinar

Being Assertive does not necessarily mean being aggressive.  Join this session to learn how best to recognize your own needs, respect boundaries and set limits when needed.

Winter Night Hike

Brave the cold as we embark on a winter night hike!

Spring Break Week

Enjoy your Spring Break! Classes resume Monday, March 24.

Scholarships Deadline

Be sure to apply for PNW scholarships before the extended deadline of March 22, 2025, for the 2025-26 academic year.

Big Sell Submission Deadline

Think you have the next big business idea? Want a chance to win $10,000 in eight minutes? Mark your calendar…the 2025 Big Sell Final will be on May 3! Video […]