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Changes to Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

On Friday, March 21, 2025, Purdue IT will enable Duo Verified Push notifications for Purdue University services utilizing Purdue Single Sign-On. Examples include Brightspace, SuccessFactors and MyPurdue.

Scholarships Deadline

Be sure to apply for PNW scholarships before the extended deadline of March 22, 2025, for the 2025-26 academic year.

Big Sell Submission Deadline

Think you have the next big business idea? Want a chance to win $10,000 in eight minutes? 2025 Big Sell video submissions will be accepted until March 23.

1 Million Cups Northwest Indiana

1 Million Cups brings together our region's entrepreneurs, innovators, startup founders, business leaders and inventors to intersect at the crossroads of doing, making, community and coffee!

Normal Isn’t Real – Westville Campus

Join us for the movie screening of "Normal Isn't Real." This inspiring film features the stories of four young adults with LD/ADHD issues sharing their journeys to success in work and school, and the strategies they use to manage their challenges.

Tree Hike for Kids

Join the Naturalist on a short hike to ID some trees!