PNW Basketball Vs Saginaw Valley State
Come support the PNW Basketball team!
Black History Month Kick Off (Hammond)
Let us all come together and celebrate a month of Excellence and Empowerment!
Strategic Planning Open Forum Session (Westville/Zoom)
The Strategic Planning Steering Committee is hosting Open Forum sessions to discuss the latest draft of the strategic plan documents and provide feedback. No RSVP required; just plan to attend (in-person or virtually).
Intramural Open Play Team Handball
Are you ready to test your handball skills?
Deadline to Submit Spring 2025 Residency Application
Submit your Residency Application and supporting documents to the Registrar's Office by 4:30 pm.
PNW Faculty-Led Summer Programs Expo
Join PNW Study Away at our upcoming Summer Faculty-Led Programs Expo to learn about the faculty-directed study away programs PNW will offer in the summer.
Intramural 4-on-4 Bowling
Are you ready to showcase your bowling skills?
PNW Faculty-Led Summer Programs Expo
Join PNW Study Away at our upcoming Summer Faculty-Led Programs Expo to learn about the faculty-directed study away programs PNW will offer in the summer.
Black History Month Kick Off (Westville)
Let us all come together and celebrate a month of Excellence and Empowerment!
Strategic Planning Open Forum Session (Hammond/Zoom)
The Strategic Planning Steering Committee is hosting Open Forum sessions to discuss the latest draft of the strategic plan documents and provide feedback. No RSVP required; just plan to attend (in-person or virtually).