Trail of Scarecrows
School groups, scouts, businesses, families and other groups create scarecrows on display during October at the arboretum. Entries will be on display from October 5 through October 31, Halloween!
Pumpkin Smash
Come out and smash pumpkins for fun and stress relief!
Strategic Plan Open Forum Session (Westville)
The Strategic Planning Steering Committee is hosting three Open Forum sessions (with Zoom option) that will provide opportunities to discuss the report as well as additional opportunities to provide feedback.
Dodgeball – Westville
Ready to showcase your skills at Dodgeball?
Intramural Combat Archery
Get ready for the ultimate battle of skill and speed in our Combat Archery Intramural!
Trunk or Treat
Join PNW for a Trunk or Treat on the Westville campus!
S.T.A.R Walk
Join SHINE-AMF and Westville Warriors, for the 2024 STAR (Support, Thanks, Appreciation and Remembrance) Walk!
Pumpkin Toss
Relieve some stress and toss pumpkins off the Parking Garage on the Hammond Campus!
Music Trivia Night
Don't miss the chance to put your music knowledge to the test and connect with fellow music lovers at Unity Hub's Melody Masters: Music Trivia Night Extravaganza.
Strategic Plan Open Forum Session (Hammond)
The Strategic Planning Steering Committee is hosting three Open Forum sessions (with Zoom option) that will provide opportunities to discuss the report as well as additional opportunities to provide feedback.