PNW Application Fee Waiver
Now is the perfect time to apply to Purdue University Northwest, as the $25 application fee for undergraduates will be waived from September 1 to September 30! Take the next step to success—apply to PNW today.
Internal Funding Opportunities – Application Deadline
The Office of Commercialization and Research and the Faculty Research Board are pleased to announce four new internal research and scholarship funding initiatives.
Hispanic Heritage Month Festival
Join us as we celebrate our fourth annual Hispanic Heritage Festival with enjoy local food vendors, live entertainment and family-friendly activities. This event is open to the PNW students, faculty, staff and the community.
2024 Chancellor’s Invitational Golf Outing
Join Purdue University Northwest at the annual Chancellor's Golf Outing to benefit student-athlete scholarships at PNW.
Food Advisory Meeting
We invite you to attend the upcoming Food Advisory Meeting to discuss catering and dining services on the Hammond campus.
PNW Strategic Planning Engagement Meeting (Hammond)
All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in a pivotal daylong planning meeting that will help shape the next PNW strategic plan, Excellence Evolving: PNW 2025-2030.
Intro to Yoga
Join us in Westville at this beginner-level class comprised of 60 minutes of gentle yoga. Unique benefits aimed at promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Intramural Chess
Think you’ve got what it takes to outsmart the competition? Make your move and join the ultimate mind game in our Intramural Chess Tournament!
Comedy Show
Unity Hub is hosting a Comedy Night at Purdue University Northwest.
Athletics Week Ahead
Take a look at the PNW Pride's upcoming home games!