PNW Application Fee Waiver
Now is the perfect time to apply to Purdue University Northwest, as the $25 application fee for undergraduates will be waived from September 1 to September 30! Take the next step to success—apply to PNW today.
Athletics Week Ahead
Take a look at the PNW Pride's upcoming home games!
Athletics Week Ahead
Take a look at the PNW Pride's upcoming home games!
Study Away Proposal – Final Deadline
The Final Deadline for the faculty-led Study Away Program Proposals is September 15, 2024.
It’s All New to Me Too (Westville)
Are you a first-time college student navigating the exciting yet challenging journey of higher education? Join us for an empowering and fun-filled afternoon!
Sinai Forum: Defending Democracy: A Conversation with Liz Cheney
Join the Sinai Forum at Purdue University Northwest for Defending Democracy: A Conversation with Liz Cheney.
HHM Kick-off Event
Join us on the Westville Campus to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
Intramural UNO Contest
Get ready to shuffle, stack, and shout "UNO!" It's time to turn cards into bragging rights at the UNO intramural!
Line Dancing
The Unity Hub is hosting an afternoon of African-American line dancing and are inviting students to join in on the fun.
STEM Industry Job Fair Fall 2024
PNW's Career Center is hosting a STEM Career Expo to help students network with potential employers.