PNW Application Fee Waiver
Now is the perfect time to apply to Purdue University Northwest, as the $25 application fee for undergraduates will be waived from September 1 to September 30! Take the next step to success—apply to PNW today.
HSI Panel (Westville)
Join experts, educators and community members to talk about what comes next, how to make the most of PNW's Hispanic-Serving Institution status, and how to support Hispanic and other underrepresented students.
Legacies of 9/11: A Presentation and Interactive Discussion with Richard Rupp
As we reflect on the events of September 11, 2001, it's vital to explore the lasting impact this day has had on our world. Professor Rupp will explore the profound changes that developed in the aftermath of 9/11
9/11 Guest Speaker: Don Basco
Don Bacso is a PNW alumnus who experienced the 9/11 attacks firsthand. He will speak on his personal experience and the effects that this tragedy had on his life and the lives of others
First Impressions Matter: Perfecting Professional Etiquette and Resume Strategies
Join the Unity Hub in a resume workshop to help create a tool for your successful future.
Athletics Week Ahead
Take a look at the PNW Pride's upcoming home games!
Athletics Week Ahead
Take a look at the PNW Pride's upcoming home games!
Barbershop Talk
Join the Unity Hub for personal-finance tips from PNW professor Pat Obi and professional-grooming services sponsored by Impact Barbershop & Salon.
Intramural Field Goal Contest
Ready to kick your way to glory? Lace up and take your shot in this year's Field Goal Contest!