Student Life
Exploring Indiana’s Solar Power Transition
This event aims to provide an open platform for students and faculty to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Indiana transforming a significant portion of its energy grid to solar power.
Black History Month: Spades 101
Learn from spades pros how to play one of the most infamous games in the community!
Intramural Open Play Team Handball
Are you ready to test your handball skills?
Athletics Week Ahead
Get ready to roar when you take a look at our weekly home games!
Intramural Ping Pong Tournament
Get ready for intramural ping pong!
Chinese New Year Celebration
Join the Chinese Student Association for a Chinese New Year celebration in the CLO Mane Zone! Bring in the Year of the Dragon with Chinese food and cultural activities.
Black History Month: Sip and Paint
Join us for a fun night of painting, food, and mocktails with the University Village Activities Board.
Study Away Information Table – Westville
Power Onward and explore your Global Roar at the Westville Study Away Information Table!
Athletics Week Ahead
Feel the love and the Pride at our home games! Mark the calendar and make sure to join us on cheering on our teams!
Valentine’s Day Party
Come celebrate the day of love and friendship! Indulge in a thrilling game of Love Bingo, unwrap surprise gifts, and enjoy delicious treats.