University Calendar

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Vote for PNW in “Best of the Region”

The Times of Northwest Indiana has opened the polls to vote in the 2025 Best of the Region contest. Please take the time to vote for PNW!

Spring Break Week

Enjoy your Spring Break! Classes resume Monday, March 24.

Changes to Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

On Friday, March 21, 2025, Purdue IT will enable Duo Verified Push notifications for Purdue University services utilizing Purdue Single Sign-On. Examples include Brightspace, SuccessFactors and MyPurdue.

Scholarships Deadline

Be sure to apply for PNW scholarships before the extended deadline of March 22, 2025, for the 2025-26 academic year.

Big Sell Submission Deadline

Think you have the next big business idea? Want a chance to win $10,000 in eight minutes? 2025 Big Sell video submissions will be accepted until March 23.

1 Million Cups Northwest Indiana

1 Million Cups brings together our region's entrepreneurs, innovators, startup founders, business leaders and inventors to intersect at the crossroads of doing, making, community and coffee!