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Seminar: Do Better Things! – What we all can do to help in the difficult steel transition

February 21 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

As the effects of global warming become more apparent, the push to decarbonize will gain more and more traction globally.

Businesses are working to manage this along with the many other drivers that create value for customers. This is no different for the steel industry who is working to juggle these new demands. This talk will focus on what we can do now to improve our most carbon-intensive assets; our blast furnaces, cutting carbon while we are also cutting costs to set an international example.

Meet the Speaker

Joe Morey has nearly 30 years in the steelmaking industry with over 28 years at US Steel. Joe has international experience in coke making, sintering, blast furnace, and oxygen steelmaking. He pairs these experiences with a strong lean manufacturing background with a focus on eliminating waste to improve the business. Joe is a current board member for the Association of Iron and Steel Technology and is very active in the Ironmaking and Decarbonization Technical Committees. Joe is the owner of Morey Industrial Consulting that focuses on ironmaking technologies while improving steelmaking through the elimination of waste.


CIVS Immersive Theater
Powers Building 107, through the glass doors

To request a disability-related accommodation, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity at oie@pnw.edu or (219) 989-2163 five days prior to the event.


February 21
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
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Powers Building (PWRS)
6937 Woodmar Ave.
Hammond,IN46323United States
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