Commencement Ceremony: Day-Of Guide
Purdue Northwest will host our Spring 2025 Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. on PNW’s Hammond Campus.
Inclement Weather Date: Sunday, May 11, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
General Information for Graduates and Their Guests
Candidates participating in a Commencement ceremony do not need a ticket for themselves; only guests need tickets. The ceremony will last approximately 2 hours. Participants will not be permitted to leave the commencement venue until the ceremony is concluded.
Graduates and guests may park in the 169th Street parking lot or in the parking garage. Handicap parking is permitted with handicap hang tag on the rearview mirror or handicap license plate in the South Parking Lot of 173rd Street (next to the Fitness and Recreation Center).
Live Stream of Commencement Ceremony
The commencement ceremony will be streamed live on the PNW website for those guests who could not obtain a ticket.
Live stream of Commencement Ceremony
Campus Bookstore
Hours for the campus Bookstore located in the Student Union Library Building are [times: TBA] on the day of Commencement.
Photo Opportunities
Graduates and their guests are welcome to take photos following the commencement ceremony with the PNW lions sporting their black mortarboards at the PNW bell tower or use the PNW-themed backdrops located on the first-floor concourse of the Student Union Library Building.
Have commencement questions? Feel free to contact the Graduation Coordinator at (219) 989-2334 or at
Please respect proper decorum throughout PNW’s Commencement ceremony by following these guidelines:
- Silence. Please silence all electronic devices and refrain from any disruptive behavior to allow everyone to appreciate this celebratory and memorable occasion.
- Attention. Please direct your attention to the stage and speakers throughout the ceremony.
- Applause. Please refrain from applause when individual names are announced to allow all graduates to be recognized for their accomplishments.
- Photography Etiquette. Please capture memories through photography only discreetly and without obstructing others’ view.
- Remain Seated. To ensure everyone’s enjoyment, please remain seated for the duration, except when directed otherwise. Please also minimize any unnecessary movement and conversation and, again, refrain from obstructing the view of others.
Ceremony Specific Information
Candidates should report to the Gymnasium in the Fitness and Recreation Center between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. Candidates will check in at their college’s table to receive a card showing their name as it will be announced on stage. If there are any changes, make sure they are clearly marked on the card.
You must arrive wearing your cap and gown. Please leave all personal belongings (such as coats, purses or bags) with your guests prior to the ceremony. The processional route may be long and there are ramps leading up to and down from the stage; be sure to wear appropriate shoes. Line-up begins at 9:30 a.m. and the processional will start promptly at 10:00 a.m.
Professional photos will be taken as candidates cross the stage to receive their degrees. There is no obligation to purchase.
Additional Information
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), any candidate who might require special accommodations to participate in the commencement ceremony should call Noemi Elizalde, the Graduation Coordinator, at (219) 989-2334 or email no later than [date: TBA] to make appropriate arrangements.
Honor cords will be presented to participants who qualify for graduation “with Distinction” or “with Highest Distinction” upon check-in. Please note that only those receiving an undergraduate degree are eligible to graduate with honors. A candidate for the baccalaureate degree with distinction must have a minimum of 65 hours of credit earned at Purdue University included in the computation of the overall GPA. The minimum cumulative GPA for graduation with distinction in each college is determined by the top 10% of its graduating class each fall.
Keep the diploma cover that is given to you during the commencement exercises. Once you receive your diploma from the Office of the Registrar, you may insert it into the diploma cover.
Guests wishing to view the commencement ceremony in person must have an electronic ticket supplied by the candidate for graduation.
Every guest age 2 or older must have a ticket. Infants and toddlers under the age of 2 who can sit on an adult’s lap for the duration of the ceremony will be allowed to enter the venue without a ticket. A child under the age of 2 without a ticket must remain in arms for the entirety of the ceremony.
Guest Arrival
The seating area will be open to guests at [time: TBA]. Guests should enter the venue and should be in their seats no later then [time: TBA] in order to view the entire ceremony. The processional will start promptly at 10:00 a.m.
Additional Information
Strollers will not be allowed into the seating area. Do not bring backpacks or other large bags. Small purses are permitted. The University Police will inspect all bags.
Balloons, horns or other loud noisemakers are not allowed in the Commencement venue.
Guests may bring a sealed plastic bottled water or other non-alcoholic beverage, as no concessions will be available on site. Alcohol is prohibited.
Limited mobility seating will be available in the venue for individuals requiring special accommodations. Please see any staff member in a gold robe for assistance on the day of the commencement ceremony. All specially seated guests must have an admission ticket supplied by the candidate. Handicap parking is permitted with handicap hang tag on the rearview mirror or handicap license plate at our 173rd Street parking area (next to the Fitness and Recreation Center).
A sign language interpreter will be provided for those with hearing impairments.
Camera and video equipment are allowed as long as they do not distract other guests. Tripods are not allowed in the Commencement venue. An independent professional photographer will take pictures of each graduate as they receive their degree. Photos will be available for purchase a few weeks following Commencement.
Conferring of Degrees
The order of commencement exercises will be as follows:
- Academic Procession – Candidates for Graduation, Platform Party and Faculty
- Address to the Candidates
- Conferring of Degrees
- Recessional – Platform Party, Faculty and Graduates
Doctoral candidates will have their degrees conferred while standing at their seats.
When prompted, you will proceed with your faculty mentor to the stage. As you come to the stage-right lectern, the presenter marshal will call your name. Move to the center stage, where your faculty mentor will place the Doctoral hood on you as you face the audience. Continue across the stage to receive your diploma.
When you return to your seat, please be seated.
Master’s candidates will have their degrees conferred while standing at their seats.
When the signal is given, you will follow your marshal to the stage. As you come to the stage-right lectern, the presenter marshal will call your name. Proceed across the stage to receive your diploma.
When you return to your seat, please be seated.
Undergraduate candidates will be presented to the Board of Trustees by school. The dean for each college will call for their baccalaureate candidates to stand.
Once candidates in all colleges have been presented, degrees are conferred.
The presenter marshal will call the graduates to come forward as he asks the marshals to escort them to the platform to receive their diplomas.
The marshals will lead the graduates, by college, from the seating area in single-file procession order to the stage. When you come to the stage-right lectern on stage, hand your reader card to the presenter marshal.
Once your name is called, you will proceed across the stage and receive your diploma.
When you return to your seat, please be seated.
When all diplomas have been awarded and the graduates are back in their seats, representatives of the PNW Alumni Community and the senior class will speak.
There will be a recessional for the platform party and faculty, followed by the graduates.