Enhancement to the Contract Request Process – Effective Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Dear Campus Community,
To streamline and improve the Contract Request process, we are pleased to introduce a new form specifically for Software Contract Requests. This form is designed to capture the unique details of Software Contracts and will ensure we have the essential information needed to initiate the contract review process.
Starting March 19, 2025, you can access the new Software Contract Request form at the same link where all other contract requests are submitted on the Business Services page.
We have also updated the instructions for all Contract Requests and included detailed guidance on how to complete and submit a Software Contract Request in the revised Instruction document, which is attached to this email. You can also find these instructions at the link above.
For immediate questions or further information, please feel free to contact contracts@pnw.edu.
Thank you,
Jennifer Wood
Director, Procurement & Auxiliary Services